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  1. rpadula

    You must make a (hypothetical) choice...

    Hmmm, tough choice. When one flies a Cirrus, are the pricks still on the inside? A Grumman or 182 interior used by certain PofA members might be covered with peckerations, so I think I’ll have to go with a Cirrus.
  2. rpadula

    If you couldn’t fly...

    Nate, given your apparent gift letting the words flow, how about starting a podcast? Audio equipment still has a fairly high nerd quotient! :D
  3. rpadula

    If you couldn’t fly...

    Hookers and booze. I thought that was the answer to everything.
  4. rpadula

    Take my Flight Review course. 100% pass rate. (you know what goes here)

    I may have been classmates with George P Burdell. ;)
  5. rpadula

    “Bargain” $1,000 phone?

    LOL Nate, Phil “my ass” Schiller still needs to deliver the new Mac Pro.
  6. rpadula

    Take my Flight Review course. 100% pass rate. (you know what goes here)

    @write-stuff You guys really paid for this? Sponsorships must be dirt cheap! :rofl:
  7. rpadula

    AOPA forums closing.....

    I thought that was Rev Slappy! :p
  8. rpadula

    AOPA forums closing.....

    Yeah, but @denverpilot has everybody beat on words-per-pound-of-posts. Amazing to see you here.
  9. rpadula

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    My wife was looking in the mirror yesterday and she commented "I look fat". I didnt say a word. She said "can't you give me a compliment?". I said "you have excellent eye sight"
  10. rpadula

    The Adventure Continues

    Nice job, Gary. One thing I remember about transitioning from 172’s to the 112 was that the Commander’s nose has a definite downward slope compared to a Cessna. So if the cowl is part of your sight picture, you’ll be pulling the nose up just a little too much. Check against the AI. And, yes...
  11. rpadula

    Publication using my pictures

    Speaking of exposure...
  12. rpadula

    Publication using my pictures

    Just ask for 20 gals of 100LL. Ethical pro publications who know better may cut you a check for a photo license, and maybe retrain the low-level employee who did it so it doesn't happen again, all without going to court.
  13. rpadula

    Publication using my pictures

    A magazine publisher who's been doing this for a while should know better. They are a much easier target. I don't think this is correct. Since photos are copyrighted the moment they are created, infringement is infringement, even if the above two items haven't happened. I think if a photo...
  14. rpadula

    Just me? GA in the News

    It’s just you.
  15. rpadula

    Publication using my pictures

    Yeah, that’s good. They have money to pay him to commercially license his photo. Maybe enough to fill the tanks of that beautiful new Commander!
  16. rpadula


    Dang, doggone near lost a nice bottle of beer there!
  17. rpadula

    Exercise— What’s your routine?

    12 oz curls. :cheers:
  18. rpadula

    Check your on-line credit card statments regularly

    I don't report my credit card as stolen. The thief spends less than my wife! :rofl:
  19. rpadula

    Let's hop in the time machine aviation nerds.

    This one’s for you Bill
  20. rpadula

    You are what you eat...

    Who does that? It ain't called Cap'n Soggy!