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  1. Blatham489

    Exercise— What’s your routine?

    Man, do I feel like a sloth after reading this thread. Time to block it.
  2. Blatham489

    Hypothetically speaking, how long until . . .

    Some accessories, when removed, leave a large hole in the crankcase. That needs covering while waiting for the accessory to be rebuilt.
  3. Blatham489

    Hypothetically speaking, how long until . . .

    Not able to discuss, but I can tell you I didn’t do it.
  4. Blatham489

    Hypothetically speaking, how long until . . .

    Let’s say a plane goes in for maintenance or repair. Somehow, one of those blue paper/cloth hybrid type shop towels ends up in the oil pan. How long is it likely to stay down there before something bad happens - plugged passages, covered sump inlet, getting shredded, etc., and then the obvious...
  5. Blatham489

    Am I doing something wrong? How long to view an anonymous post?

    I was asking for a friend . . . :).
  6. Blatham489

    Am I doing something wrong? How long to view an anonymous post?

    I tried posting an anonymous post, it appears to accept it but I can't see it, either in the forum (this one) or by clicking "New Posts" or "Recent Posts". Does it take a while to show up? Mod's have to review it or something?
  7. Blatham489

    Using VFR Only GPS for Approaches in VFR?

    Careful of free advice, but if you’re not IFR, you’re VFR, so your use of the VFR only GPS is legal. Doesn’t matter if your under the hood or not as far as that’s concerned.
  8. Blatham489

    First Solo!

    Congrats and good luck in your future aspirations. I guess the tradition of cutting off your shirt tail has gone extreme and now they cut off the entire back of the shirt, huh?
  9. Blatham489

    Anyone messed themselves in annual?

    Child’s play. My prebuy for the Bo was an annual, lots of stuff caught and corrected. Didn’t even make it to my first annual and had over $20k of “stuff”. Not improvements. Those were that much more.
  10. Blatham489

    Where not to land ...

    Either the concrete was still wet or pretty crappy, sounds like the crew needed to come back anyway.
  11. Blatham489

    [NA]Iphone calendar[NA]

    I’ll second that emotion on their idea of “US Holidays”. Not a fan.
  12. Blatham489

    Getting back in the air!

    Welcome back to the clouds Gary, hope you’re doing well. Been in Archers only as well since our phone call, looking to make a move out of the rented mule world late this year. Fly safe Amigo.
  13. Blatham489

    Two guys catch a flight

    Tim, I strenuously object to that response. No where in my post did I say anything about “ought to be a law. . .” Or any other nanny state suggestion to prevent such activities. Let ‘em do it all they want. Can almost guarantee there will be some copy-catters that end up like cole slaw, but I...
  14. Blatham489

    Two guys catch a flight

    What could possibly go wrong? The mortality of those wing suiters is frightening (to anyone that isn’t a wing suiter).
  15. Blatham489

    Apollo 11

    Playing at several IMAX theaters here. (Houston)
  16. Blatham489

    VFR drills to help with IFR training?

    Send me an email via pm, I’ve got one already setup the way IPC trains you, numbers already there for Bonanza and Archer III. Tried to upload, it doesn’t like me.
  17. Blatham489

    Kidney Stones

    I’ve had three episodes, fully disclosed, no SI. I can feel them coming on and could get on the ground (I think) fast enough to avoid being incapacitated, but man those suckers hurt. Wouldn’t want to be shooting an approach while in that level of pain.
  18. Blatham489

    Approach mnemonics

    I was taught WIRES slightly differently : W - I - R - E - engine (throttle, mixture, prop, check gauges) S - seat belts
  19. Blatham489

    Safety Pilot - KDVT area

    I believe I’ll be in town that weekend. PM me for contact details if interested. Instrument rated, a few hours of PA-32R time, 150 or so of Bo time.
  20. Blatham489

    Is Weather Briefing Logged in Foreflight?

    I recently saw some articles on getting a briefing still being a good idea, especially for TFR’s. And I’ve gotten used to them, they’re really quick and probably faster than wading through the ridiculously long list of NOTAM’s. I just call on my way to the airport, easy peasy.