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  1. tawood

    Thinking about inflatable Kayaks

    I've looked into the inflatable vs foldable kayaks, and unfortunately, it seems to be a "get what you pay for" situation...with the inflatables not nearly as useable, or as durable, as the foldable ones. Of course, I have yet to buy/use either, so there's that. I'd like one for the plane to...
  2. tawood

    More solo IFR (and no autopilot)

    The day after I got my instrument rating, I flew in the clouds nearly the whole way, from Michigan to Maine, in a plane without an autopilot. Baptism by fire, I guess...although it was a Cherokee, which practically flew itself without an autopilot. After several years of IFR without an...
  3. tawood

    Now that's a close call

    I was basing it on the way he keeps looking up at his chute every 2 seconds or so, then when the airplane clearly appears, he stops looking up but instead looks right at it/down. He seems to stare at the plane after the 1:33 mark.
  4. tawood

    Now that's a close call

    I noticed that too. He just froze, then disconnected much later (way too late if it had struck).
  5. tawood

    Now that's a close call

    Not an accident, but almost. Especially relevant to me right now, as I just missed a powered parachute the other day. I was flying into the sun at 4500 MSL (3500 AGL) and I just missed it off my left wing.
  6. tawood

    Non alcoholic beer.....

    Its like the people who claim the THC got in their system from a contact buzz...yeah riiiiiiiiight.
  7. tawood

    Dale Snodgrass crash in Idaho

    Well you do seem to know snarky and dickish.
  8. tawood

    I thought I wanted a Mooney...

    Your friends arrow needs a diet, and is a poor example (although you seem to like the comparison to bolster your own bias, so there’s that). And as far as this envelope problem you keep referring to, I plugged into my w&b myself plus three 200 lbs passengers, and I’m under gross and several...
  9. tawood

    My love / hate feelings for locked threads...

    Yes! The forensic vacation analysis. Done that too.
  10. tawood

    [NA] Health Insurance. US vs. Elsewhere

    Fortunately for me (and my insurance company) up until recently, my family and I have never had a major medical emergency. Then, my son's appendix burst. Surgery, then sepsis, then 5 days in the hospital. As a rough estimate, the insurance company didn't break even with me yet, and I worked...
  11. tawood

    Dale Snodgrass crash in Idaho

    I think its very obvious the sound track is off, and I'm estimating at least 10 seconds. The would put the expletive right as the wheels leave the ground, possibly a little earlier.
  12. tawood

    2004 Turbo 182T

    And you should add that the WAAS only works TO the tailbeacon, and not to anything else.
  13. tawood

    Interested newbie, looking for economical options with great availability & flexibility

    I'm not sure if they're true, but I've heard stories about judgements and divorce agreements that state "no GA for minor children." Wasn't that an issue on the Aerocommander / Superstition Mountain crash?
  14. tawood

    My love / hate feelings for locked threads...

    Yeah, a little.
  15. tawood

    Should I buy, join a flying club, co-own, or keep waiting?

    Seriously, there's no justification, it's nearly all cons, with pretty much just one pro. Still, my choice is buy the plane.
  16. tawood

    My love / hate feelings for locked threads...

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! ITS HAPPENING TO MY THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. tawood

    My love / hate feelings for locked threads...

    But, as a fellow LTA member, I'm sure you realize that not all locked threads give you the same "heat", if you will. Some are posted with a lock in mind, and those are not to my liking. My personal favorites are the threads that start off oh-so-innocently, then go bad. I excitedly read along...
  18. tawood

    AirVenture summary & observations about the aviation community

    This is only a problem if you see being a pilot as a good thing.
  19. tawood

    My love / hate feelings for locked threads...

    That's part of it. Then I think, man if I only could of gotten in one little IBTL, my day would have been so much brighter...But alas, even in my own thread, some have beat me to the punch!
  20. tawood

    My love / hate feelings for locked threads...

    Confession time: when I log into this site, and see a locked thread, I go right to it! I loooove the locked threads! They really bring me joy, and I don't know why, but they do! Then I realize I can't participate, and I get bummed. I think I need help. LTA, locked threads anonymous, here I...