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  1. S

    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    Part of the HIMS program is usually random urine testing approximately monthly which is different than just the random testing done by an employer on everybody. They test for metabolytes of alcohol that will be present for days after alcohol has been ingested. They are not concerned with a BAC...
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    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    True, but if he was going through random testing he would have to be pretty lucky to keep drinking and not come up positive at some point over the past year.
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    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    I guess I don't understand the FAA. Here is a professional pilot with a history of alcohol issues, flying, presumably without any on going testing or anything. Meanwhile some guy with a history of a DUI 5 years prior has to go through the whole HIMS workup, go to daily AA meetings, and prove...
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    Converting 2-seater to 4-seater?

    Exactly. It is a new design based off the Alarus, But even in the fuselage, which looks the same externally and has the same overall dimensions, because of the higher loads, increased speeds etc it has thicker skins in some places, different rivet spacing or larger rivets in areas, additional...
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    Converting 2-seater to 4-seater?

    Not exactly. It was a kit (or set of plans) for a 4 seat aircraft based upon the Alarus. I don't know of anyone who converted an Alarus to a CH640. The plans do not really address converting an already built Alarus to a CH640. Since there is nothing that shows what is different between the two...
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    Converting 2-seater to 4-seater?

    The CH640 is a 4 seat version of the certified Alarus. Although the fuselage is not stretched, it has longer wings, larger stabilator, larger ruddder, and an O-360 instead of an O-235. It is probably also beefed up in some areas to account for the increased loads as well. Just putting in 2 extra...
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    N21480 VFR into IMC

    When I trained we were lucky enough to have an ASR approach. For the PPL instrument training, we did about an hour under the hood with basic maneuvers, and the other 2 hours doing ASR approaches. I thought that was good because it simulates the type of assistance you may get from ATC if you...
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    Refused Field Sobriety and was let go after station test

    I got pulled over once and the officer suspected I was DUI. I hadn't been drinking at all so i agreed to take the roadside tests. They can be difficult on a nice sunny day, imagine trying to do it in the middle of the night on a dark highway with the only light the flashing lights of the police...
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    Early Solo and Low time PPL

    I did my first solo at 8 hours and passed my check ride with 42 hours. I had the benefit of being able to fly 4 or 5 hours a week which I think helped a lot. Some have said that they think the student needs to be proficient enough to not only safely fly in the pattern, but to also cross country...
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    Reno Air Race Crash

    As long as there is enough legal grass, people don't mind going without electricity occasionally.
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    Passenger killed while deplaning 8/7

    I guess he may have just recently finished his training, but the FAA database shows only a student pilot certificate. It's really tragic. I guess I have never understood why pilots try so hard to avoid shutting down the engine.
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    New engine on a newly built airplane?

    I am pretty sure pretty much everybody recommends doing slow flight on the first test flight. It's kind of important to know what the prestall speed is and what kind of warning your new plane will give before it stalls. How else do you calculate your safe approach speeds? What if the ride gets a...
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    New engine on a newly built airplane?

    I think my new Superior engine had 2 hours on the test stand. First flight I ran it hard mostly, but I think you're kind of obligated to do some slow flight. Short final on your first landing in the airplane is not the time to be checking how it handles in slow flight or when you drop some flaps.
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    Optimal Aviation - Cogscreen Training designed for Special Issuance - $500

    Cognitive function is not static. There is a lot of literature showing that cognitive function can be increased. Is doing exercises to increase your cognitive function any different than eating right exercising, and losing weight to improve your blood pressure or keep from developing diabetes?
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    To Quick Build or Not To Quick Build

    I logged about 800 hours to build my CH640 from a quickbuild kit. I now have around 900 hours on it so I guess I made it past that milestone. I would definitely recommend getting all the quickbuild components you can. I didn't build an RV, but I think the building process is pretty similar...
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    Possession charges with intent

    Thanks for the information. I guess its not surprising for New York, but I guess I naively thought most places at least maintained the façade of a presumption of innocence.
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    Possession charges with intent

    I am not aware of how the law varies in different states, but you may be talking about what is required for probable cause to arrest someone. For a conviction I am pretty sure there is no blanket presumption that everyone in the car or in the home where drugs are found is guilty, the prosecutor...
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    Possession charges with intent

    Of course that happens. The prosecution still needs to prove that is the case, not assume it. Yes, that may be very difficult because the only evidence you may have is drugs in a car and the word of the people in the car. So the prosecution has 3 choices, charge everyone in the car, ignore the...
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    Flying Magazine article

    I am not really sure why you focused so much on my saying that part of a police officers job is to learn to deal appropriately with people who may be unpredictable. To me it is obvious that they are put in unpredictable situations quite often, thus dealing with them is part of their job. My...
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    Possession charges with intent

    I did not mean to be condescending, I was just stating the fact that most police officers have little training or knowledge of the law, yet in our criminal justice system, them making an arrest is a de facto conviction most of the time. It is not their fault, it is the justice system we have...