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  1. Stickman

    Do pilots use paper or digital logbook?

    As an aside, for those that entertain the idea of a contract overseas airline position, most foreign airlines prefer a paper logbook with a signature on each page. They apparently don't trust electronic logs.
  2. Stickman

    Do pilots use paper or digital logbook?

    I keep a paper log, although it has been about three years since I updated it. My airline has a record of all the flying I have done and I print it out periodically. For my personal flying in my own airplane I'm afraid I'm a little sloppy. I keep an informal record of each flight which is kept...
  3. Stickman

    There will soon be no reason to be a pilot

    Don't really care.
  4. Stickman

    There will soon be no reason to be a pilot

    At least three that I've heard about.
  5. Stickman

    There will soon be no reason to be a pilot

    Considering that self driving cars keep killing people, I am doubtful that the public is really too excited about sitting in a self driving air machine.
  6. Stickman

    Does anyone wash the bottom of their aircraft

    Years ago I flew for a 135 outfit in Alaska that painted the bottoms of all the single engine charter planes black. That way passengers had a harder time seeing the oil on the belly.
  7. Stickman

    Daily Pic

    Would have been in 1999.
  8. Stickman

    Daily Pic

    Here is an old picture I found recently. It is a Litton 72 display, we were over the Sea of Japan. Highest groundspeed I have ever seen.
  9. Stickman

    Corporate Pilots

    It is always amusing to hear them on the radio in Europe or China using their trucker/cowboy slang or attempting to give a coherent position report when oceanic.
  10. Stickman

    Anyone gone back to a passive headset after using noise cancelling?

    That is what I have done. I still use my Bose A20 in my 180 but use a Clarity Aloft at work.
  11. Stickman

    Photo Thead: Show Us Your Plane!

    I guess I've got a pretty big soft spot for 34D too...:D
  12. Stickman

    How do you like your eggs?

    Ok, here is the way I like eggs, POA style. Grown up, bacon wrapped and fried.
  13. Stickman

    How do you like your eggs?

    Grown up plucked and fried.
  14. Stickman

    Airline passenger fined after keeping free airline apple

    You are preaching to the choir. I clear US customs an average of six times a month, I am well aware of the reasons and text of the law. I think she knowingly tried to sneak in the apple and got caught. I also think that she could possibly have gotten away with a hand slap and a warning if she...
  15. Stickman

    Where would you have diverted to?

    Maybe MDT wasn't even in the airplane database. Someone else may have mentioned that but a great deal of this thread was pretty pointless.
  16. Stickman

    Airline passenger fined after keeping free airline apple

    How do we know that the woman herself didn't create such a scene that she ****ed off the CBP agent? Some arrogant passenger gets in my face about something I might be tempted have the last word. After all the news story only has her word on it.
  17. Stickman

    Age 65 Limit Slipped in FAA Bill

    Ironically there are rumblings about raising or eliminating the mandatory retirement age in 121.
  18. Stickman

    Chicago By Night

    LOL, Never cared for layovers there I must say.
  19. Stickman

    Chicago By Night
