OK, If you or anyone else can use them I will give them away if you pay the shipping. As I recall they were in good shape on the top side but the elastic straps that held them to the seats may need some attention.
Our temp at the airport currently shows -33F, fortunately wind is only 3 knots, density altitude is -5,061 versus actual of 1,806. 7 am. Wind chill is forecast for -45 this morning.
Which STOL kit? That makes a difference.
Move the gear back up to the front with one of the STC's available to convert it to a 180 if you purchase the 58! Faster and lower operating cost, more valuable airplane!
Otherwise if you just intend to fly off of a paved airstrip I would probably...
I made an extended tow bar for our centurion several years ago so that we could push it in the hangar by putting it against our belt line. It is three times longer than the commercial ones and works great. Instead of the 7/8 inch aluminum pipe and conduit I welded a 7/8 inch nut at the bottom...
I am familiar with the monoclonal treatment. Only downside to it I see is they will not give you the second vaccination until 90 days have passed from the treatment. I hate to drag this out any further than necessary.
I have been taking 5,000 IU per day of D3 for months. Also take 5 mg of...
Easy one hour drive.
Meeting in the factory beside a production line initially followed by a conference room setting with about 10 participants in a rather small room for one to two hours. Old dirty metal manufacturing factory with poor housekeeping.
Three of the participants travel frequently...
I just received the Moderna vaccine, first shot this afternoon. One of my customers wants me to visit his factory in 13 days for a meeting on a large million dollar project. It is a large manufacturing plant and they have had some issues with covid break outs in the past but nothing recently...
When I installed the new IO-520 our Cessna Certified Maintenance shop recommended the Reiff over the Tanis system, I do not remember the fine points as to why but after listening to their suggestions it made sense and that is what we purchased. Works great.
And make sure you maintain control of them. Do not leave the log books in the plane and keep them in your possession! They are not required to be in the airplane during flight.
Let me start with the second section first - totally agree. I don’t remember why swept wings create the effect of dihedral but I do recall that is the case (it has been 50 years since engineering lectures). And certainly agree high wings also have that affect which I thought I made clear in...
I think we agree on more of this than you might think. When I stated “being totally identical (which they never are from airplane manufacturer to manufacturer)” I should have included more than just the wing design itself such as aspect ratio, excess power, etc. And we should also acknowledge...