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  1. francisco collazos

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 releases in November. Your thoughts?

    Good question but generally x-plane has better flight physics and MSFS has better graphics.
  2. francisco collazos

    Summer flight planning...

    You should write a book on this harrowing experience maybe call it ...Into Thick Air ..thick with mosquitos and humidity. True story about Mt Dora.. when I was in High School, or soccer team played them well I remember one of our players telling George Steinbrenner off. At the time I didn't know...
  3. francisco collazos

    Summer flight planning...

    I went to Bok Tower once and it sucked. I also went to a dude ranch out there because my ex planned it and it sucked twice as bad. The heat, humidity and mosquitos really wore me down. I'll stick with the west coast of Florida instead. At least I can fly over to Cedar Key and get ripped off...
  4. francisco collazos

    Five members of Georgia family killed (Piper PA-46 crash)

    same thing happened to me on my drive to walmart, I had the weather channel app up on my Polestar 2 and it showed yellow to red on the weather app but I was looking outside and there was no rain. Then on the way back home, it showed green but major downpours.
  5. francisco collazos

    Summer flight planning...

    Best not look at those and just stick your hand out the window.
  6. francisco collazos

    Summer flight planning...

    Yeah but its usually raining only on one end of the
  7. francisco collazos

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 releases in November. Your thoughts?

    I have MSFS for the xbox with the turtle beach yoke and rudder pedals for the xbox. I ended up building a pc so that I could run DCS but also run MSFS or Xplane with a program called vatsim. Vat sim allows you to talk to people who act as atc. The PC is better geared for flight sims because the...
  8. francisco collazos

    Summer flight planning...

    Looks like Florida to me so that means get up before 8 am if you want to go anywhere. Head back home before noon if you don't want to be dodging storms or get ready to play sky tetris with the clouds.
  9. francisco collazos

    Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash

    I remember sitting in my friends parents station wagon. There were back seats in the back of the station wagon that opened up from the floor of the cargo area.
  10. francisco collazos

    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA

    I think they should reengineer that part to have different size bolt diameters because I can completely see how that can happen.
  11. francisco collazos

    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA

    Wow looking at the diagram, just a simple 180 deg swap and he's till be alive. Really eye opening that something like this can lead to devastating consequences.
  12. francisco collazos

    DPE PPL price

    If I was a DPE i would rent out a double wide in Florida from nov - may and just do checkrides because the wweather here is usually sunny 99.5% of the time
  13. francisco collazos

    Insurance Insanity (Non-Aviation)

    well you can always not fly your plane if it breaks. The way I see deductible is that you either save it in a bank acct throughout the year and you MIGHT need it or spend it on the monthly premium and it will definitely be used. I'm not a insurance guru or anything but i figured I keep my...
  14. francisco collazos

    Insurance Insanity (Non-Aviation)

    I remember listening to NPR and someone went around trying to get a CT scan either by paying insurance or out of pocket. What he found was that in many cases, the scans with insurance cost more out of pocket with insurance than without. I'm a veterinarian and I have access to buying medication...
  15. francisco collazos

    Insurance Insanity (Non-Aviation)

    I was against obamacare as well because it seemed like HDCP (high deductible catastrophic plans) were cheap before OC came around and after it was implememted, they became the norm. Also the government subsidies stopped at about 30k/yr so it really was a tax increase of the middle class. So not...
  16. francisco collazos

    Seaplane collides with small boat in Vancouver

    This is quite an interesting scenario nut i'm curious how does having a tower in this area affect all these rules?
  17. francisco collazos

    Seaplane collides with small boat in Vancouver

    Juan had a segment on this incident. Pretty interesting location in Canada because there's a tower there. The seaplane did get clearance to take off from said tower and the tower did mention the boat to the right of the plane.
  18. francisco collazos

    Pilot arrested for DUI blows .00

    Sounds like you get pulled over alot LOL:crazy::crazy::crazy:
  19. francisco collazos

    Resorts near small airports?

    boyne mountain, MI
  20. francisco collazos

    Blue Angels IMAX

    She can ground me anytime ...