If there are any old tax returns or financial records you might find a bill of sale or other document with a tail number or serial number.
If Brainard is a public airport and he paid to hangar it there, a FOIA-type request might turn up something in their way-back machine.
I think he was referring to Kalifornia. NM has a gross receipts tax, which includes groceries, dr visits, etc.
Here, you are correct. Warm tamales and tortillas are prepared, and you get taxed. Refrigerated and they are groceries, and no tax. Guess which my wife buys and brings home and...
You remember our Texas history better than me. Then again, I think I have had more time to forget...
My favorite example is the constitutional amendment required to allow ATMs, because they were considered bank branches, which were unconstitutional at the time.
If I was in charge there would be no overhead bins. If it can’t fit under the seat in front of you, it gets checked.
I could live with a compromise of overhead bins only aft of the emergency exit rows.
I would also find a way to make bags appear at baggage claim before the passengers get...
About 10 years ago a movie was being shot in town, and I answered a casting call for extras. During the day I was making conversation, and asked the guy next to me what he did, and he said he worked in non-profit social services. It was about two weeks before it dawned on me what he meant...
At uncontrolled fields, overfly midfield 500’ above TPA and check windsock to determine which runway to use, then descend and enter appropriate downwind on a 45.
Thanks. I was using the word creamer generically. Some years ago I ditched the vegetable-oil based stuff, and tried all the alternatives; milk, half-and-half, butter, almond milk, powders, etc. Finally settled on soy-based as my preference.
Other's have waxed eloquently about how to lose it, but seemed like your question was about maintenance. Was has worked for me to maintain is a combination of 1) modified intermittent fasting. I don't adhere to the strict 16-8 schedule, but roughly 12-12. I.e. Once I'm done with my evening...
I don't have a direct answer to your question, but will offer this advice: find out what makes you tall. Just saying you are 6-6 doesn't tell the whole story. Google "The Flaw of Averages" and read that.
For example, I am 6'3" (and claimed 6-4 in my youth). But I have come to learn my...