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  1. benyflyguy

    Pa32 lands in pits at Pomona dragstrip

    And this wasn’t even a T-tail
  2. benyflyguy

    SR22 Down at KBFL

  3. benyflyguy

    Fatal Crash at First Flight, 9/28

    Had a few flights recently so wasn’t rusty. Maybe not used to full plane? Now sure wb of these birds, how easy to get overweight? Not sure how much of a handfull the sr22 would be with full flaps on the go. But I remember a time with fam on board early on in 182 I had to go around with full...
  4. benyflyguy

    SR22 no chute no injuries

    Oh yeah. Cracks in those won’t let the oscillation overthruster work. You gotta check your 24 levers.
  5. benyflyguy

    How much CO is too much?

    Thanks. I think I have to set up a sheet and try with some different factors. Talk to mechanic first Climb/level/descent Changes with cowl flaps Vents Cabin air open or closed.
  6. benyflyguy

    Grief and anti-depressants

    Pills don’t fix crappy situations. Time and talk can. Ask yourself- given the trauma you have experienced- are you supposed to feel the way you do? Pills don’t fix normal reactions to f’ed up situations.
  7. benyflyguy

    How much CO is too much?

    plane is a Cessna 182H with O470. Couple of years ago after being a bit more fatigued after a flight I purchased a sensorcon CO detector. Was seeing 30 by me and higher in back. Thought it was a bad seal. They sealed doors and was about the same. Went in for annual and found cracks in the...
  8. benyflyguy

    Please help out a dad

    I have pts and parents of patients asking all the time about add/adhd meds. I always bring up the need for a through eval. Parent will push back and say they want a trial. I say no and recite the ramifications even of a trial on record. Use the FAA medical process and how you essentially have to...
  9. benyflyguy

    Fatal Crash XLL 9/28/2022 - CFI McPherson charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

    The 30 day temp license was essentially a student pilot license. It gave him the opportunity to remedy the issue. Very short leash I might add. He wouldn’t be able to satisfy the FAA criteria without it. Regarding the medical stuff. The FAA has been making, albeit slow, progress in the last...
  10. benyflyguy

    Am I getting into trouble asking for a lipoprotein a

    Let’s say you test it. And it’s high. Now you get to have that part of your medical record when you apply for life Insurance. Statins don’t lower apo-lipoproteins anyway. The choice of to statin or not can be made without this info.
  11. benyflyguy

    Situational depression

    Pills help fix the abnormal reaction to the normal situation (brain chem issue). Pills don’t fix the normal reaction to the abnormal situation. You are allowed to be depressed here.
  12. benyflyguy

    Fatal Crash XLL 9/28/2022 - CFI McPherson charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

    The ire is displaced imo. FAA did ground this guy. He chose to continue to fly and instruct. That on him. Trying to draw a parallel between this and SSRi deferral is stretch.
  13. benyflyguy

    Voepass Flight 2283, a large passenger plane, crashes in Vinhedo, Brazil

    Saw this pic apparently from inside on Reddit. Not sure what it even represents.
  14. benyflyguy

    Pilatus down in northeast Wyoming

    is it possible for pc12 to have a problem with runaway trim?
  15. benyflyguy

    Discouraging flight last night

    That sight picture at night it’s just different. It’s hard to get used to, but it’s worth a lot of practice. Even spending a night when it’s calm can be humbling. Easy to get low and slow. As a result, you come in a lot flatter and you really don’t flare correctly. Turn the lock up a bit on the...
  16. benyflyguy

    The almost fatal crash

    That was tough. Lucky didn’t auger in. Really seems to try to Couple of times. Is this a yT personality??
  17. benyflyguy

    Planes collide at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport

    Very sad. The dash 8 was sitting on runway for an extended period of time. Going to look for the ATC recordings if available.
  18. benyflyguy

    For Trade: Avidyne IFD550 for IFD440

    We have a 550. Took out our gmx200. Love it. Great box. Easy to use.
  19. benyflyguy

    Question About

    Made me click though !
  20. benyflyguy

    FAA FOIA request pilot enforcement records

    IBTL.. but do tell…