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  1. LongRoadBob

    Best glide and min sink, not dependent on weight video

    thanks! That made sense to me and got me back to what I thought I knew. Reinforces it. I should have thought of that, but you cut right to it!
  2. LongRoadBob

    Best glide and min sink, not dependent on weight video

    Not sure I’m getting all this pilot is telling. He is doing some practical tests to find best glide. In the video he mentions that “best glide is not affected by weight, it’s angle of attack” and he tries or finds out for himself what best glide is at no flaps to full flaps incrementally. Just...
  3. LongRoadBob

    So you are flying along VFR at...

    Are you at FL or QNH when flying in Victor airways? Is the IFR (if it actually is IFR, seems it was a guess) using FL?
  4. LongRoadBob

    MSFS2020 Disappointment thread

    Maybe it’s been mentioned already, but they sure as hell were marketing it for pilots. They had several videos talking about how much more realistic the aerodynamics were, that they used many more data points to really capture how a real airplane handles. But can it be that some “realism” mode...
  5. LongRoadBob

    Student Pilot fears

    As a fellow student pilot I’m not worried about the wings falling off, but am a little concerned about the flimsy seat position lock on Cessna 172’s. After reading about (I haven’t checked our rental yet, but next time I will look at it for sure) description that it is just one pin, not two, or...
  6. LongRoadBob

    The Use Of Checklist - Good or bad?

    still, it would be strange if they left it off of a checklist wouldn’t it? Also, yes, checklists are or can be dumb. They can be difficult, and at flying clubs it’s often one guy doing it, and some points are not even logical. Mine forgets to have a point of releasing the brakes before...
  7. LongRoadBob

    The Use Of Checklist - Good or bad?

    As a student of course it’s a different world than when you have hundreds of hours logged, but I actually like that we are expected to (and do) point to each control, gauge, whatever in the checklist. It still can be human nature that you see what you expect to see.
  8. LongRoadBob

    Is there a time limit on a primary student's experience?

    But how is his attitude? Does he agree with, and understand that he will have to demonstrate maneuvers, and such? Does he take instruction from you ok?
  9. LongRoadBob

    Map origami

    wow. unfortunately when I buy charts they come folded, and not the way shown here. The folds have been on it so long, any remolding seems to make it all worse. My father, who was a pilot, once spent some time showing me a neat trick with how to fold a newspaper. It was less involved but...
  10. LongRoadBob

    The Use Of Checklist - Good or bad?

    I don’t use checklists as a robot. I know why the points in the checklist are there, and they are important. I guess a person can, but if your head is in the game you don’t just mindlessly check off points. I worked hard at memorizing a few of the prestart, and start checklists, and even though...
  11. LongRoadBob

    Have you guys seen this? Mooney Baggage Hatch Incident

    Are the hinges on the aft side? That seems very odd. If they were toward the front wouldn’t it tend to keep the door intact, even closed if it were ever unlatched?
  12. LongRoadBob

    Successful forced landing after baggage door damages tail section

    thanks. Sorry. Not finding a way to delete this thread so...letting it die.
  13. LongRoadBob

    Successful forced landing after baggage door damages tail section

    Sorry the commentary is in Norwegian, but it’s an interesting video. Couple on their “second flight” (ever? Doubtful, don’t know why they are numbering the flight, but...) suddenly experience loss of control.
  14. LongRoadBob

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    A “chick”? As insult? Doesn’t even work in would be a dude way more often than a chick with a plate piled high with roasts and chops.
  15. LongRoadBob

    How to deal with students who lock up/freeze?

    Interesting points. With students, whether flying or boating, or whatever I think experience helps and debriefing. Experienced pilots, anything, seems would have more ingrained optional “things to do” at their instant response. I’ve experienced emergencies where one just had to react, such as...
  16. LongRoadBob

    Pitch vs. power - causes of excessive sink and hard landings

    You mention a few times this is more a problem when solo, lighter. Could that be doing something with CG and your sight picture too?
  17. LongRoadBob

    Stalls seem less scary after doing lots of them (but not because I'm used to them)

    I started a thread a while back on this. As a student (have been grounded for a while now) when I first did power on and off was doing ok. Then later was doing power on and after the break was really low nose. I didn’t think I was letting go or pushing the yoke in, but I’m not sure. Tried a few...
  18. LongRoadBob

    I used to like UPS

    Here in Norway we have UPS, DHL, and the postal service. Of these the regular postal service Is by far the best. I can’t figure out how DHL and UPS stay in business. Both of them do what the OP mentioned, move dates on you. One way or the other. Both are a problem. We had a package coming that...
  19. LongRoadBob

    How y'all keeping in shape?

    Back in the seventies when I was a fairly young man I happened to pick up a used book, which had a Royal Canadian Air Force exercise program designed as a daily exercise regimen (for pilots!) that took only eleven minutes and can be done anywhere. it keeps it there at eleven minutes, but the...
  20. LongRoadBob


    I once rented a house and when we moved in it was immediately apparent that a cat had peed in there. We tried everything. It was a wall to wall rug, and we tried washing, used some product that was very concentrated, where it said “just a few drops” and specifically for cat pee, and we ended up...