Search results

  1. KaiGywer

    Can an MEI (without CFII) train for add-on multiengine ratings?

    My MEI for my multi add on was not a CFII. I still got instrument privileges on both single and multi after my checkride
  2. KaiGywer

    Multi Engine Time Building

    I have access to a couple twins in MN and ND. I might be willing to build some time with yoU
  3. KaiGywer

    The MyFlightBook thread

    That did the trick. Is that new? I never used to specify night takeoffs as a property, but it updated my night currency. Thanks for letting me know.
  4. KaiGywer

    The MyFlightBook thread

    I’ve never had a problem with the plane before, and it adds to my ASEL time, so I don’t think that’s the problem. And yeah yeah, I’ll charge it soon ;)
  5. KaiGywer

    The MyFlightBook thread

    My night time currency is not updating as expected. It seems to have started recently, but even though I put in my night time and night landings, it doesn’t update.
  6. KaiGywer

    Busted checkride - don't know where to go from here

    Sounds like a terrible DPE. That being said, some friendly advise. If you plan on a career in aviation, own the failure. I've failed two checkrides (IFR and CFII) and I owned my mistakes on both of them. A future employer will care less about the failures and more about how you handle it. If you...
  7. KaiGywer

    All Airports in Michigan

    Does Michigan have a passport program where you get prizes for hitting them all? I’m working on ND and MN
  8. KaiGywer

    Want To Buy Uavionix Tailbeacon

    I already bought one from you and waiting to see if they will even accept the mail in rebate since you purchased it from Aircraft Spruce the day I ordered it from you, and I have a sneaking suspicion that is how you sell them for cheaper than anywhere else. You also went radio silent when I...
  9. KaiGywer

    Talk me out of building a Van's RV

    I’ll be at the airport tomorrow. Come on down
  10. KaiGywer

    Want To Buy Uavionix Tailbeacon

    Just checking if someone has one they’re wanting to get rid of before I order a new one
  11. KaiGywer

    Checkride Logging

    I have not had a DPE sign my logbook on any of my 6 check rides so far
  12. KaiGywer

    How much extra time for rusty student...

    As with anything FAA, it's calendar months. So you're still close, but you're good until 3/31/21.
  13. KaiGywer

    How much extra time for rusty student...

    Except anything the G1000 can do is fair game for the DPE to ask for. But that can of course come once he’s familiar with it.
  14. KaiGywer

    Why I stepped away from PoA

    I was more thinking of the various ways a student will try to kill me :biggrin:
  15. KaiGywer

    Why I stepped away from PoA

    Congrats! It's a great feeling to pass that one. Did it myself in May and added on CFII in November. Now for the really scary one....MEI
  16. KaiGywer

    Crap load of birds right after take off

    They’re not even parked correctly. Unless of course it’s home base for them.
  17. KaiGywer

    For Sale Foreflight Sentry - SOLD

    I’ll take it. Please PM me
  18. KaiGywer

    For Sale $25 Flight Instructor CFI Lesson Plans (Electronic Delivery)

    For those wondering. I bought a set and used it for my CFI training and passing the checkride. I will say this. It is customized to his local airport, so you might need to tweak it to fit your area (freqs, local airports etc) but that’s easy enough.
  19. KaiGywer

    Great day of flying

    I went to your neck of the woods today. Braved the “Objectionable” NW of KFAR
  20. KaiGywer

    Aviation Goals for 2021

    MEI, keep building time ASES for fun if I have the money laying around to pay cash (well, credit card for the reward points, but you get the idea)