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  1. Deelee

    Left that a good idea?

    As a very new driver, you have good insight into this dangerous situation. Since you didn't elaborate on the situation that prompted this post, please allow me to recount: You were driving a slow, 1972 Ford Pinto in the land-vehicle-traffic pattern on an 'uncontrolled' roadway in North...
  2. Deelee

    I'm new here!

    Hard to argue with that.... Rust in Peace makes for a nice workout..... Pretty much start to finish.
  3. Deelee

    I'm new here!

    Welcome!! I'm not in FL, so can't help with the instructor. Like others have said, you are going to have to find a CFI and then they will help you figure out what you need to do to finish up based on your current skillz.... Now I have inspiration for what to listen to in the gym today... Maybe...
  4. Deelee

    As I file IFR more...Autopilot options, thoughts

    Makes perfect sense. Next time I'm up VFR I am going to test this method out. Thanks again!
  5. Deelee

    As I file IFR more...Autopilot options, thoughts

    I have a similar setup (I think)... Aspen, TruTrack and a navigator (in my case, a 430w).... My procedure for switching to heading mode has always been to select the heading on the aspen, flip the switch to couple the TruTrack to the Aspen, then make sure the mode on the TruTrack was in heading...
  6. Deelee

    Thoughts on this landing?

    Would I have done that? Nope. Do I care if this guy did it? Not really. Would I have told the professional yooootooob documentary film-maker in the right seat to put that ******n camera down when I'm trying to land?.... yes. But I do like the facial expressions on the pylot just before...
  7. Deelee

    Should I let this one go?

    Complete BS. As others said - dispute that and all else fails talk to your CC company. Never been charged a cleaning fee in 20+ years renting cars from various agencies. But... funny though... even there are signs stuck all over the place in these cars saying no smoking... 90% of rental cars I...
  8. Deelee

    Possibly reported for VFR on Top

    Agree. This stuff happens all the time. Oooohh vectors for traffic... if that ruffles your feathers enough to track down a pilot that caused the vectoring... it's a bit dickish.
  9. Deelee


    Congrats!!! Such a beautiful aircraft!!
  10. Deelee

    Possibly reported for VFR on Top

    So this is why I get all those calls about my plane's extended warranty....
  11. Deelee

    This is why I like doing young eagles flights

    Thanks for doing this!! And that's how I use the throttle in the Arrowe, as well. Hand/fingers on the TQ and then sort of manipulate the throttle with the C made by my thumb and index finger... I don't think I have ever used that T-shaped throttle like it was thrust levers on a 737.... too...
  12. Deelee

    Possibly reported for VFR on Top

    1. You won't be. So don't worry about it. 2. Nothing. Because you were legal. And nobody can prove otherwise. FAA - "How far were you from clouds?" You - "At least 500' below, 2000' horizontally and 1000' above any clouds." FAA - "Ok." But that conversation won't happen. Because you were...
  13. Deelee

    It's Hotter Than A.........

    witch's t.............. wait. No, that's cold.
  14. Deelee

    X-C Plane Selection Advice

    Alexandria is nice. I'm not too far away from there. The drive to HEF isn't too bad. No worse than driving anywhere else in this area. If you want, let me know when you are coming out to HEF and maybe we can get some other locals together for a lunch run.
  15. Deelee

    X-C Plane Selection Advice

    Welcome to PoA and to the greater DC-metro-land-area... Are you set on KVKX? In addition to the SFRA, you will need to go through the process of getting a PIN to enter the FRZ so you don't get shot down by whoever is responsible for shooting down slow GA aircraft when they violate such airspace...
  16. Deelee

    Future of aircraft pricing, 6months to a year from now.....

    Don't know about any other areas other than IT, in general. In my organization, we are having a very hard time retaining people on the IT side. Folks are jumping ship and getting massive bonuses and salary jumps. Seems like there are more jobs than people to fill them. Again, this is just my...
  17. Deelee

    Cessna Ditched in Alki Beach, WA

    There were a bunch of people on the beach. A video of the ditching is out there and the guy filming the event with his phone is standing on the beach.... he films the aircraft going in to the water, flipping... not very far from where he is standing with his phone... then stands there and...
  18. Deelee

    Any good landing tips while on final?

    Good point. Amendment to my post, then.... practice with a CFI who knows what they are doing. I am too lazy to look back to see how many hours OP has so far. But if it is a big number and OP still can't land properly, safely and confidently then maybe time for a new CFI... ....aaaand never...
  19. Deelee

    Looking for a ride back to Atlanta from OSH

    Last time I flew dogs, they puked their guts out. Certainly wasn't my flying skillz that caused it. I recommend Flocker not eat for a few hours before you put him in the crate.