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  1. S

    2021 flight hours

    620 …. 1.5 at a time and so many left turns I thought I was a NASCAR driver
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    Aviation Goals for 2021

    Check, Check, and check (for better or worse)
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    Cirrus vs. Other for Training

    It doesn’t, but there is a whole lot that happens between the engine giving up and the plane touching down that experience influences.
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    Cirrus vs. Other for Training

    Yes for sure. The flight school I instruct for has 2…but otherwise, yes they seem quite rare.
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    Career Change to Aviation (CFI)

    Scott, I left a 26 year corporate gig to do what I should have done 26 years ago. I’m not far behind you in age. I unfortunately have to agree that CFI is no way to make any sort of living. Not that it can’t be done, but it is rare. The hours are long. The pay is a joke. The physical and mental...
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    Best way to get sharp on ATC com comprehension

    Yes, sometimes annoyingly so. It is only a handful of controllers covering every position in a given service area. So while you’ll frequently hear the same voice for clearance delivery, ground, tower, tracon, and up, that person treats each new position as if he/she is a different person. It...
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    Best way to get sharp on ATC com comprehension

    If you have a home PC sim, I highly recommend the PilotEdge ATC service. I personally used it before and during my instrument rating. I recommend it to all of my instrument students. Only one has signed up for it though, but the difference before and after (and compared to other students) pretty...
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    Engine out at night

    The DPE that gave me my CFI check ride told me It’s Larry at JQF. Swing by and ask him. He has a few stories he’d be glad to share
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    Engine out at night

    The DPE that gave me my CFI check ride told me no matter what, fly it in slow and under control. If that dark spot is trees, flying it in to the tops under control is going to hurt, but it gives a decent chance of surviving. He’s managed to survive 18000+ hours of dual given, so it’s hard to...
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    Thinking about being a full time CFI again

    Yes! The flight training industry needs your passion and experience.
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    Interesting, this is all good food for thought. Ironically I had an examiner use a picture similar to the one above as an argument against spiraling slipstream as a major contributor to left turning tendencies. His rationale was that the wings interrupted the spiral flow so that aft of the wings...
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    So if I’m climbing at a high angle of attack requiring a certain amount of right rudder to correct for left yaw, then lower the angle of attack to establish level flight...without reducing power (fixed pitch), I can reduce/remove right rudder. What has changed regarding spiraling slipstream that...
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    @RoscoeT, I’ll take your word for it as I have no aerobic experience. I just know from teaching in 172s all day...the P-factor is real.
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    Interesting...I would argue the opposite.
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    Busted checkride - don't know where to go from here

    Instructing part 61, I’m not as familiar with 141 schools. I’m assuming you didn’t have any say whatsoever in picking your DPE?
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    You guys- I've got a jet

    That pattern wasn’t all that busy. He should visit EQY on a Saturday where squeezing in with 8 in the pattern is just a normal day. On second thought...nah, just stay in Bend.
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    Tracking of flight times - MyFlightBook vs Foreflight logbook

    It's a little confusing at first, but I understand why they did it the way they did. Under the logbook in FF, you have aircraft setup separately from the aircraft you setup in planning with all of your performance data. In that "logbook aircraft" section you will get the option to designate...
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    Aviation Goals for 2021

    Commercial-multi - CHECK leave 6 figure corporate job for that sweet full-time instructor pay - CHECK :loco:
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    Foggles for use w/those who wear glasses.

    I made my own from these: masked off the places I needed to keep clear, scuffed up the rest with 220 grit and spray painted flat black. Works like a charm...although a little uncomfortable under the ear cups of my headset...
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    “If you have a rivet gun....”

    'Tis but a scratch.