Search results

  1. camorton

    Swapping wheel pants (newer style) on a Cessna 182

    There was a guy in Camarillo that managed to swap out his 70s-style wheel pants for the new 'fat' restart fairings. The new style encompass the brake calipers and wheel together without the separate cover. It's a nice look and maybe saves a knot or two? Anyway, the guy said it was very...
  2. camorton

    SoCal / KWHP departure routing question

    You might mention what type of aircraft you are flying. Could make a difference, but probably not much in this case. All IFR departures are from runway 30 at WHP. You'll never get a departure to the south because BUR and VNY are in the way. The ODP will have you turn left to 260 and then...
  3. camorton

    PPL Training from Private CFI

    Agree that a freelance CFI can be a great option, just don't underestimate the airplane availability issue. A seemingly minor maintenance issue can bring your training to a complete halt indefinitely. Changing over to a flight school or another CFI will cost you money and set you back because...
  4. camorton

    GI 275 database sync

    Well it says right in the release notes for v2.60 that they have disabled database sync in this version (Garmin SB 22120d): "Database sync routing is affected by this change. Systems with GTN™ 6XX/7XX (v6.72 or earlier) or GPS 175/GNC® 355/GNX™ 375 (v3.20 or earlier) interfaced to G500/G600 TXi...
  5. camorton

    Any underwriters here?

    Yeah, the Comanche should be significantly more than the Cherokee even at the same hull value because of the risk of a gear-up landing. C.
  6. camorton

    Disney Perm Flight Restrictions going away?

    I worked at Disney in the late 90s. At the time, management was weirdly obsessed with stopping the banner tows. It was a constant topic of discussion for park ops internally. I mean they HATED it. Tried for years to stop it every way they could think of, but the FAA told them to pound sand...
  7. camorton

    KI 206 Nav flag

    Probably gonna need more info to help with this. Can you share the brand/model of GPS to start? C.
  8. camorton

    Good Airport Cafe's in SOCAL?

    How could you guys forget the Foster's Freeze at Chiriaco Summit (L77)? C.
  9. camorton

    VOR / ILS endorsement?

    In the real world, insurance companies have way more say over what you 'jump into' than the FAA. C.
  10. camorton

    O-470r running rough

    What altitude is your home base airport? If you are at or near sea level (it's dependent on pressure altitude), fuel flow at wide open throttle should be > 20 GPH, probably more like 21-22. Mixture full rich, obviously. Your MP should be close to your baro setting typically 29", or a inch less...
  11. camorton

    GDL 60 Datalink with PlaneSync

    The guys over on BeechTalk are going to go nuts over this. C.
  12. camorton

    182Q upgrade Avionics, or upgrade to 182T?

    As a longtime 'E' model owner, I have a few thoughts. First, I see no practical advantage to the T model except for the metal panel and it's (maybe) 5 KTS faster? The higher price and loss of useful load are big down-sides, so stick with your Q. Once you really start using it for travel...
  13. camorton

    Superveloce vs Darkaero

    Highly doubtful they can go anywhere near that fast on 200HP. The Lancair Legacy is a similar size, pretty clean design and it takes them 350HP to hit that speed. C.
  14. camorton

    Is adding vor worth it?

    I think you have your answer here. For VFR flying, a VOR/ILS receiver is not needed - a complete waste of money. For occasional IFR flying, a GPS receiver alone will get you into 99.5% of airports in the US. The Garmin 175 is the cheapest example I'm aware of. For frequent IFR flying, an...
  15. camorton

    Part ID

    I think there was also an option for a chip detector on these. So could be several wires. I know ADC had an STC for several models of aircraft. Popular on planes with older Conti's that only had the internal screen filter. C.
  16. camorton

    Cessna Cluster Gauge Issue

    I don't see what is so hard to understand. He noticed the issue twice. Are you implying his second flight was somehow unsafe? It was obviously an instrumentation issue and he had the JPI as a secondary. C.
  17. camorton

    David Clark GA plugs

    Yeah, that 'ball end' phono plug style I've seen on some older headsets is kinda funky. I had it on an old DC 10-80. Modern plugs are straight with a clipped-off conical tip. C.
  18. camorton

    Air-to-Air Cessna 310

    You can see the slot they are supposed to retract into. Probably a broken cable. C.
  19. camorton

    Retaining backup CDI

    Pretty sure this feature is found on the HSI version but not the MFD/CDI version that I am installing. I'll probably go this route for now. At least until I upgrade the KX155. When I replace that, maybe I'll for the HSI version. Thanks, C.
  20. camorton

    Retaining backup CDI

    I'm wondering if there is any value in retaining an analog CDI for use as a backup or cross-reference when installing an electronic MFD like the Garmin GI 275 MFD. I have a conventional nav/com (KX155) and I'm installing and IFR GPS (GPS175). I know I can connect both to the 275 and toggle...