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  1. N659HB

    Unhappy as a pig in sht

    That really blows. I was just telling another pilot about it a few days ago.
  2. N659HB

    Rough River 2022 (2I3) 4/22 - 4/24

    Gonna have to wait until I'm retired, unless I bum a ride with someone. Hint hint. Hell, I haven't even made it to GMU.
  3. N659HB

    Sonex down on first flight

    The link takes me to a blank page. Perhaps KR got the message? RIP
  4. N659HB

    tips for staying coordinated in a power on stall

    Some planes don't have those fancy horn-things. ;) I watch the ball in the Luscombe. It can have a doozy of a wing-drop!
  5. N659HB

    First brush with carb ice

    Well, what's really interesting is I had only a minute or so before turned off the carb heat following a brief descent to pattern altitude. Thinking back on the flight, there were a couple of times I advanced the throttle for more power, thinking it had slipped. I now think it was subtle carb...
  6. N659HB

    First brush with carb ice

    Happened this morning while maneuvering for downwind. I'd been puttering around for an hour or so at normal power levels/speeds. It wasn't a severe power loss, maybe 100 RPM, but I wasn't sure what was happening until power increased when I added carb heat for landing. Be careful out there.
  7. N659HB

    POA Southeast lunch this Saturday, 6/13

    Did not get a notice, but can't make it. Got a finicky mag. Thanks for thinking of me. Have fun!
  8. N659HB

    "Positive Flying" - T182T Configurations, Results

    Been out of circulation awhile.
  9. N659HB

    Who here plays a musical instrument?

    Piano lessons when I was a kid went nowhere. Tried guitar awhile but quit. Learning to play the violin now. Will try piano again when I retire.
  10. N659HB

    Southeast PoA [Post Xmas Burgers] - GMU [2020]

    We'll see, depending on wx and non-aviation factors.
  11. N659HB

    Stick or Control Wheel,what's best?

    As a Luscombe driver, I'll have to say sticks.
  12. N659HB

    SE PoA - Who's flying today?

    Regale us with your gusty crosswind derring-do! (Not sure that's spelled correctly)
  13. N659HB

    Getting my Private Pilot Certificate in a Luscombe.

    Welcome to the club! You will learn a lot with the Luscombe. High-speed taxi is worth practicing - that's essentially what you're doing with a wheel landing. Keep the updates coming.
  14. N659HB

    Landed at 9 new airports in SW FL on my day off

    Cool! What happened to the Mooney?
  15. N659HB

    Southeast PoA lunch tomorrow?

    Did not get a notification, but it's moot. I won't be flying again until my PT for rotator cuff repair is completed in a few months. :-( Looks like you guys were having fun, though.
  16. N659HB

    What privacy? (Story #2)

    You know Orwell foresaw this...
  17. N659HB

    Flew under a 172 at 17,000’ near PHX.

    Maybe he caught a strong thermal nearby...
  18. N659HB

    Insurance rate shocker

    Mine is lower this year, but I reduced the hull value.