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  1. N659HB

    Brought the Colt home!

    Gorgeous plane. Congrats.
  2. N659HB

    1946 Luscombe 8A

    Luscombes are great little airplanes and relatively cheap time builders. I love mine, despite its faults. The “gotchas” are finding replacement engine parts. They are really antiques. My annuals have run $500-$1200, depending upon what needs service/repair. Mine has the mogas STC so hourly costs...
  3. N659HB

    Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

    Two for me, thanks to movie scenes filmed nearby. Can’t recall which movie.
  4. N659HB

    [POLL] Have you felt sick or tested positive for COVID since Jan 2020?

    I’m at home this week with the latest variant, my wife also. Flu-like symptoms for us. First two days were the worst. We managed to avoid it for almost three years, but got it from family at Thanksgiving!
  5. N659HB

    SE Pre-Christmas Burger Fly-in 2022 (12-10-22)

    Thanks for the invite, but I have other commitments that day.
  6. N659HB

    thinkin about going to this one 10/21 - 23 8NC8

    Plane needs annual. :(
  7. N659HB

    NC26 Flyin Saturday Sep 24 8-4

    Thanks for the invitation. Maybe one of these days.
  8. N659HB

    CLT airspace

    Calling @eman1200
  9. N659HB

    Why are Bonanzas so cheap?

    Agree with @GeorgeC. Try finding new parts for a Continental 65!
  10. N659HB

    Should I bother with sport license if I can't buy a plane?

    I went sport rather than PPL. Glad I did.
  11. N659HB

    SE $100 Hamburger - Saturday, Jan 8th

    Got tagged, but I’m out of commission for a while, and the Luscombe is out of annual.
  12. N659HB

    Pik 'n Pig update [pics]

    You notice those upslope trees more closely in a 65HP taildragger... Next time I’m departing downslope, tailwind or no!
  13. N659HB

    Tesla Model 3 - Finally.

    Well, SC tacked on a $100 hybrid fee to my Prius registration every year I owned it. Plus I was paying gas taxes to boot. “They” get their tax revenues one way or another. Can’t wait to see what they tack on to my Volt. At least I can drive it more on battery.
  14. N659HB

    First image from the Webb space telescope!

    Good one!
  15. N659HB

    Tell me about older Bonanza's

    I don’t know for a fact, but I seem to recall there was an A&D issued for the v-tail models that covered the elevon flutter problem. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable will chime in. Most of the lower priced models probably have electric props, which IIRC can be difficult to service.
  16. N659HB

    Newest LSA update proposals

    Why are they allowed to pilot vehicles on the ground?
  17. N659HB

    SE Pre-Christmas Burger Fly-in 2021 (12-11-21)

    I got notified this time around. Thanks!
  18. N659HB

    Race to an EV truck - skin in the game edition

    No desire for a EV truck (yet) but I’m in the game with a new (to me) 2017 Chevy Volt. It has just enough battery range to accommodate my daily commuting and charges easily overnight. Having the ICE means I don’t have to spend a lot of time charging on trips. I could care less about the “green”...
  19. N659HB

    Tinnitus concerns

    If the ENTs are not concerned, don’t obsess over it. I got mine from a bad case of viral labrynthritis 30+ years ago. My head is ringing loudly at the moment. Use hearing protection and noise-cancelling headphones around aircraft.
  20. N659HB

    Do you ever sacrifice the quantity of life for...

    May you be the first of many!