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  1. Huckster79

    Fuel options

    Right, but I’ll gladly buy it though if I can get unleaded fuel at some point easily.
  2. Huckster79

    Non-Direct Flight Following

    Just tell em… last time I used FF I was trying to outrun a storm before it cut the state in two, as it became clear I was going to need to fly over a delta I rang em up. They asked destination. I told them “unsure, just northern Michigan once I’m around this I’ll recalculate fuel.” That was...
  3. Huckster79

    Fuel options

    I love how my c85 was NEVER designed gor 100LL and I need no STC for it, but I do to dump mogas in it. Neither are the fuel that engine was designed for. I look forward to the day I can get no lead fuel easy, the little continentals don’t love the Hobbs of lead in 100LL
  4. Huckster79

    Operation Good Cheer POAers?

    yea I Got mine too :( what a bummer…
  5. Huckster79

    Operation Good Cheer POAers?

    Anyone flying Operation Good Cheer this Saturday (12/3/22)? My boy and I are going to saddle up the chicken Hawk and bounce around tomorrow… We’re due at PTK at 1pm. It would Be cool to meet any fellow POAers there… For those that don’t know Good Cheer- it’s huge and awe inspiring...
  6. Huckster79

    I learned something yesterday about a favorite song

    Im with Neil on that one… he was calling spades spades…
  7. Huckster79

    The FAA has been infected...

    I don’t entirely disagree- that’s likely why neither “side” appreciates my opinion…
  8. Huckster79

    The FAA has been infected...

    it will never end… it won’t…. Change and evolution just doesn’t ever stop. It never has and likely won’t until the big lightbulb in the center of the solar system does…
  9. Huckster79

    The FAA has been infected...

    I’d also note I believe both “sides” of such an issue wouldnt appreciate my opinion on such items, but that many folks find themselves in a similar spot as myself and just don’t say anything to avoid ire from either “side”. I would say the same thing as I did above about this issue had...
  10. Huckster79

    The FAA has been infected...

    And same is true for the opposite. This is just yawn worthy to get disgruntled about. There’s just no there there to be bothered by, it’s just upset ness for upsetness sake. My personal masculinity is not eroded nor offended by notams referring to air mission than airmen. There’s real...
  11. Huckster79

    The FAA has been infected...

    Language use evolves always, there’s never been a period of language stagnation. Try reading George Washington’s farewell address and it has to be read slowly and even with assistance of extra information to understand, and it’s technically American English- just from an era gone by. Every...