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  1. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    No, oops, I meant the paragraph before that. And because of hostile cancel-culture type of people on here. They really got upset over this post. They may call my employer or potential employer or something, and throw me under the bus. I posted the original post for those who do not have a multi...
  2. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    That is why I say you are the Red-White-and-Blue Baron! You are probably the illegitimate offspring of Chuck Yeager and Amelia Earhart. But I did not make this post for you, obviously, I posted this for the 20% who will not pass on the first try. One more week and I will probably forgot all...
  3. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    Yes we make them, and that is why we get nervous on checkrides. Because we know the ole brain can fart at anytime. And yes that is bad. The FAA is justified in failing a fart. Speaking of farts tho, the Red Sox stink
  4. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    My beef is mostly with the hundreds of pilots that say the multi engine rating is EASY! Which lead my being less prepared than i should have been. My only criticism with Tom is that the packet is not complete. That is why I suggested a people take a deeper dive into the topics, than solely rely...
  5. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    i agree! I actually did not think anyone would see that post. I am new here and it looked like most posts were from 20 years ago. The brevity of the posts comes across negative. I tried to delete it a few times but I cannot find any way to delete it or edit it
  6. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    Congrats! He had a brain fart - Of course he knew what a hold short line was. That is why I recommend an extra day of rest after traveling there. That was one of my fails was a similar type of brain fart. It was something I had done correctly 1000 times in the past. I believe if I had been...
  7. P

    What is required to be insured to fly a KingAir C90 for Part91?

    I heard I have to go through a training course that costs $30k. Is there another way?
  8. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    You have been on here since 2005?
  9. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    Did you not just berate me for telling people to prepare?
  10. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    Remember the Red Baron? I think you are even more skilled than him. You are the Red While and Blue Baron!
  11. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    Ok folks listen to Ed, he knows better than I how to pass. Just go up without preparation and they will give you the rating easy peasy!
  12. P

    Seeking Accelerated Multi Engine Training

    This place has a great reputation for HIGH QUALITY training. Not the cheapest or the fastest
  13. P

    Seeking Accelerated Multi Engine Training

    i just made a long, few paragraphs post on the thread I started today on this topic. Let me know if you have more questions after you read that
  14. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    Tom is about 500% better than any instructor that I had in the past. And I have had a lot of instructors. I do not want to throw him under the bus publicly. There are a FEW small things I think he could do better. Mostly it was me, listening to "pilot talk" for ten years - people say the multi...
  15. P

    Traverse Air Multi-Engine Rating with Tom Brady

    sorry this is my first day on this site. I figured no one would respond and I would have wasted a half hour of my life typing a post that no one would read
  16. P

    Seeking Accelerated Multi Engine Training

    Analogy: Doing accelerated mutli training is like having to take your checkride for a private pilot license the day you hit 40 hours. Ready or not. Prepare accordingly
  17. P

    Seeking Accelerated Multi Engine Training

    I disagree. I was asked questions for the oral that were not in the packet.
  18. P

    Seeking Accelerated Multi Engine Training

    Terrible advice