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  1. bobmrg

    not-flight-following etiquette

    I,fairly sure that traffic count has an effect on controller are not doing them any favors by not using flight following. Bob Gardner
  2. bobmrg

    Flight following on short flight?

    Do it. You never know what might happen and it is nice to have a friendly voice on the other end of the radio. The number of other airplanes flying the same route is irrelevant. Bob
  3. bobmrg

    Filing a Flight Plan vs Flight Following

    Ferrying PA-28s from Vero Beach to Seattle I never filed a flight plan and used FF exclusively. On occasion, a controller would tell me that I was leaving his/her airspace and to contact Center in xx miles on Worked every time. Bob
  4. bobmrg

    Still confused logging IFR training in sim?

    It is an APPROVAL from the FAA, not a recommendation. Bob
  5. bobmrg

    CO losses job over flyover

    I hate it when the media uses the word "fired" in relation to the military. To Joe and Jane Sixpack, "fired" means that someone is no longer the military it just means reassignment. Military officers can retire or resign their commissons, but they cannot be fired. Bob Gardner
  6. bobmrg

    Cessna 150 maneuvers?

    With full flaps and some power you can make the airspeed indicator read zero or pretty close. I can't imagine being terrified in a is a pussycat. Yo can expand your repertoire by trying things that you have not tried before. The Airplane Flying Handbook is a good reference. In any...
  7. bobmrg

    Need a New Desktop

    I hav en't bought a name-brand desktop in years. I go to my favorite computer shop, tell them what I want, and they build it for me. Definitely specify a solid-state moving parts. Bob
  8. bobmrg

    I just had to know - can I fly a Boeing 737?

    Back in the day, I had a student who worked in Boeing's simulator program he invited me and a student to show up at oh-dark-thirty and do some sim flying, I flew the 747 for sure, and maybe the 737,,.it's been a long time. Bob
  9. bobmrg

    FBO keeps block / cash unused deposits.

    Didn't happen to me, but I am aware of at least two instances at Boeing Field in which FBOs went tits up and people with block time and deposits lost it all. I am not aware of any legal remedy. Bob Gardner
  10. bobmrg

    Kobe Bryant dead in helicopter crash

    I'm pretty sure that it was a Part 135 flight...different than Part 91. I also think that he violated the Part 135 cloud clearance requirements. Bob
  11. bobmrg

    CFIs, do you care if your student uses other CFIs?

    Flying involves procedures and techniques. Procedures are pretty much engraved in concrete by the manufacturer and regulations, while technique varies from one instructor to the next. Who is to say that CFI #1's techniques are better than those of CFI #2? Try both and see which fits you. I...
  12. bobmrg

    The science of being seen

    Why would someone in another plane have the least interest in what you do unless there is the possibility of collision? You are your airplane, observe the rules, and don't worry about other pilots (who may have issues that keep them occupied). I have been involved in general aviation...
  13. bobmrg

    Why does an airplane stay in the air?

    Lift gnomes. Bob
  14. bobmrg

    Can a CFI tickle me?

    I had pretty good luck with asking hooded pilots to pick up a pencil or reach for a piece of paper...anything to get them to move their heads. Tickling has no connection to aviation and is a silly suggestion. Bob Gardner
  15. bobmrg

    Which do you choose?

    I spent a large chunk of my instructing career at a Piper school and delivered several PA-28s from Vero Beach to Seattle. Lots of high-wing time, too, but given the choice I would opt for the Archer. I like the low wing. ob Gardner
  16. bobmrg

    Cessna 421 - "Twin Cessna" or "Golden Eagle"?

    "Golden Eagle" doesn't convey anything to me....could be a homebuilt, for all I know. When I flew the 300- and 400-series Cessnas I always identified as "Twin Cessna." Bob
  17. bobmrg

    Tach Time v. Foreflight Logbook Time

    Use wristwatch time beginning from first movement to parking. Bob
  18. bobmrg

    Need some IFR advice

    Rule to live by: If the question is "if....", the answer is "no." Bob
  19. bobmrg

    First XC as a PPL

    Why stay under the Class C? ATC would like to know the intentions of anyone in or near that airspace, and you do not want to be the unknown "...traffic your one o'clock, same altitude, I'm not talking to him." All it requires is two-way it that hard? Bob
  20. bobmrg

    When to start Instrument training?

    You should really have a start on the flight portion of your training before taking the written...many of the terms and concepts asked about on the test will be a total mystery without some fight experience. I'm not saying that it can't be done, just that it would be easier with some background...