Search results

  1. bobmrg

    Fouling plugs during flight?

    If you run "too lean," the engine will let you know by running rough (or quitting.) Without instrumentation, lean until the engine begins to run rough and then enrichen until it smooths out.....and no more. Do a web search for "Key Reprints from the Lycoming Flyer" and then for "Leaning Textron...
  2. bobmrg

    Arrival Plates purpose

    You are still a student pilot flying VFR. Ditch all of the arrival plates you currently own* and concentrate on the certificate you are training for. *Keep the ones you use as a source of frequencies if you feel the need, but remember that all of those frequencies are listed under Communication...
  3. bobmrg

    Dual cross country before solo?

    Syllabus? That is why good instructors always use a syllabus and give a copy to the that they are both on the same page. Bob
  4. bobmrg

    Cross Country Planning

    I always rounded off in the most unfavorable direction: 7.5 gph becomes 8.0 for planning purposes; a forecast tailwind is ignored. I fall back on Murphey's Law when flight planning. Bob
  5. bobmrg

    Practicing the "Impossible Turn"

    When contemplating doing this with a student, the first thing that comes to my mind is "How will I explain my decision to practice this inherently dangerous procedure to an administrative law judge at the inevitable hearing?" Then we get some altitude and practice with a safety margin. Bob Gardner
  6. bobmrg

    Question about my record

    Honest, you should subscribe to IFR. Of the four Belvoir magazines I subscribe to , it is the most valuable. Flying Mag is the least valuable...if I did’t get as a NAFI perk I would drop it in a heartbeat. Bob Gardner
  7. bobmrg

    Flight Training

    Being in high school is not a barrier, if you can handle the cost. Do not let your aspirations get in the way of getting the best possible grades with a college degree in your futue...airlines will see your college degree as a plus, compared to a lot of hours in light planes. Go down to your...
  8. bobmrg

    Flying solo to checkride

    That is not by regulation but is a good practice. Not a word about it in Part 61. Bob
  9. bobmrg

    Thinking about a Bus/RV

    You don't. That space is for use while the vehicle is stopped. One more time: You must be seated and buckled up when the vehicle is in motion. This applies in all states.
  10. bobmrg

    Wondering how many are going to vote by absentee ballot

    The state of Washington is 100% mail-in, although there is a drop box at the library which serves as the post office, eliminating the current political hoohah. My only concern lies with the possibility of the blank ballots getting lost/delayed between the county elections office and my mail box.
  11. bobmrg

    Thinking about a Bus/RV

    "I have to say Ted, you've actually got us considering letting go of the airstream and buying a motorhome. The idea of running down the road while the family gets snacks and uses the bathroom seems so much better than the backseat of the truck." Every state requires that all passengers be...
  12. bobmrg

    FF and No Hand-off

    Low altitude IFR charts is my best suggestion, although when you ask for "all" frequencies you are skimming over the fact that each ATC facility has access to several transmitter locations, each with its own frequency(s) it is no longer a simple map but the aviation equivalent of a road atlas...
  13. bobmrg

    FF and No Hand-off

    When I delivered Pipers from Florida to Seattle I spent a lot of motel room time going through the A/FD (now part of the Chart Supplement) and writing down as many comm freqs along the next day's route of flight as possible. I also read the Communications section of the applicable A/FD's. Lots...
  14. bobmrg

    Private plane

    I used to field inquiries like this all the time when I flew charters.Almost invariably, the caller thought that a small airplane would be cheaper than an airline ticket. They did not take into account the fact that scheduled airline trips have passengers at both the departure and the...
  15. bobmrg

    IFR Instructions Read-Back

    This is what the AIM says. "4-4-7. Pilot Responsibility upon Clearance Issuance a. Record ATC clearance. When conducting an IFR operation, make a written record of your clearance. The specified conditions which are a part of your air traffic clearance may be somewhat different from those...
  16. bobmrg

    VFR on top with PPL

    Long before there was such a thing as ADS-B I spent three long days in Lake City Florida on a PA-28 delivery trip to Seattle waiting for fog to go away. The whole gulf coast was blanketed in white extending up into the coastal states. While my natural chicken tendency played a large part in my...
  17. bobmrg

    Student Pilot fears

    When you get into the airplane and are seated comfortably, try your darndest to make the seat move for and aft. Shake the hell out of it. If this level of violence does not cause a pin to jump out of the rail, you are safe. ( During preflight, check the condition of the holes in the seat track...
  18. bobmrg

    ASES, Is it worth the time and trouble. How many have & don't use?

    I began my flight training in Juneau on floats. Several thousand logged hours since then and I still have 32 hours of ASES from way back when. IMHO it was the thing to do at the time because I could walk from my apartment to the small boat harbor and I had no way of getting to JNU or any...
  19. bobmrg

    Thoughts about Little River or Ukiah for $500 hamburger?

    Whether it would fit the $500-burger description is based on fuel burn and prices, but I can recommend the Two-Niner Diner at Petaluma.
  20. bobmrg

    Thoughts about Little River or Ukiah for $500 hamburger?

    No food at LLR last time I was there, and AOPA directory confirms that.