Search results

  1. SkyHog

    Hand propping a turbo fan?

    If it were left hot and ready, could one reach in and spin the fan, causing it to kick over? I’m betting no. But curious...
  2. SkyHog

    (N/A) Things that have gone by the wayside

    Anyone remember zip and jazz drives?
  3. SkyHog

    Is Pluto a planet or not?

    What has Tyson been wrong about?
  4. SkyHog

    How many hours did it take for your high performance?

    I did my BFR and high performance endorsement together. I believe 1.5 hours total.
  5. SkyHog

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    I think the practicality is the double far exceeds that one
  6. SkyHog

    Bariatric Surgery

    All great advice. Once I get the barometric surgery for which I have consulted actual professionals about, I will consider this advice for the future maintenance of my weight.
  7. SkyHog


    I think the takeaway from this thread (and most threads of a medical nature) is that the FAA are a bunch of crooks, content to ruin careers not in the name of safety but rather in the name of being able to say they do something of value to society. They do not. There is not one valuable...
  8. SkyHog

    Bariatric Surgery

    What causes the issue for me is that after such a busy day of being super active I probably overeat. Eating the right things but too much of it. It’s not a lack of self discipline it is a matter of not being able to not eat as much because I am miserably hungry otherwise. So I could do less...
  9. SkyHog

    Bariatric Surgery

    I’m planning on doing the Gastric Bypass next year. I can’t lose weight and even with exercise and proper eating, I’m gaining weight, not losing it. I am a very active adult - I ride bikes, run, walk, hike, etc., but I still put on weight every year - over 310 pounds now and probably over 400...
  10. SkyHog

    GA Landing At Bravo Airport (TG vs. FS vs. FBO)

    Jesse and I did KMSP late at night in my Cherokee back in I think 2008 (before he moved to Lincoln and became a super mega boss dude). We did a touch and go. It was simple and the tower had no problem giving it to us. I do remember the lights being crazy and a bit disorienting so I’d imagine...
  11. SkyHog

    John McCain has died
  12. SkyHog

    John McCain has died

    A good man for sure, and suffered an illness at the hands of our own military that took his life the same as it took my father’s and my uncle’s. And yet - nary a word from the ones responsible for any of their deaths about their mistakes in leadership or in the insanity of having used Agent...
  13. SkyHog

    Approach or Departure?

    Generally, I’ll call them “departure” if departing from within the lateral boundaries of the airspace and “approach” in every other scenario, unless my destination happens to be the class c itself. But you can also just as successfully call them their name without the “approach” or...
  14. SkyHog

    Anyone use Google Earth in flight planning?

    Google earth also has a flight simulator built into it. Just FYI
  15. SkyHog

    Going for BasicMed, wish me luck!

    Yep! But then back surgery has me on the ground. But it’s nice to know it’s on my own terms, not on some two bit doctor that has his hands tied by an agency that doesn’t understand the basics of medical care and it’s limitations.
  16. SkyHog

    Going for BasicMed, wish me luck!

    Excellent!! Not so bad eh?
  17. SkyHog

    Is announcing our tail number necessary?

    This is Nick, on downwind.
  18. SkyHog

    Sysadmin Appreciation Day

    Dev ops. It’s glorious.
  19. SkyHog

    6Y9 Fly-In 2018 (labor day weekend)

    So you know, your form doesn’t allow “BFE” for the test question answer.
  20. SkyHog

    House Buying Avice
