Search results

  1. Htaylor

    Avionic shop is Southern California

    Every avionics shop in SoCal is busy as hell. Ramona, Affordable, all are maxed out and charging like it. If it is the radio itself, you might try this guy.
  2. Htaylor

    KFAT after hours access - 10pm local

    Nor is a landing fee. But many airports have them. FAA grant assurances only require access. Not fee-free access. They do require that airports be as self sustaining as possible which can mean fees to pilots and owners. Try parking at Signature/Atlantic/Ross/Cutter without paying a ramp or...
  3. Htaylor

    KFAT after hours access - 10pm local

    They are not denying access if Signature or Ross will let you in. It may cost, but there is no denial of access. If you've ever been badged for a 121 served airport, you know the rules. I seriously doubt the airport manager will let someone in at 2 AM and stand there with the owner pilot until...
  4. Htaylor

    KFAT after hours access - 10pm local

    Given that Fresno is a Class C and served by several part 121 carriers, it's doubtful there is any un-escorted access unless you have an airport badge.
  5. Htaylor

    Plane purchase without a In person inspection

    Many times. When I used to ferry aircraft for a couple of dealers, most of their planes were bought sight unseen. They'd pay for it and I'd go get it. Sometimes it was a great plane. Others it was a pile.
  6. Htaylor

    Latest Music Find

    I really like their music. Their covers were excellent. Their originals being released now are great so far.
  7. Htaylor

    30% increase in flying cost.

    Probably lucky to get insurance at any price.
  8. Htaylor

    135 Ground School

    OpsSpec C-50 through 55. Some won't apply until you're flying IFR. Since most Ops Specs are canned and the same for all operators, they can be found online. But not all apply to all operators. You may also be learning how to use Chelton avionics. Many 135 operators in Alaska use them as they...
  9. Htaylor

    135 Ground School

    Where in Alaska? I'll be back to fly PC12s for a 135 operator out of Juneau. 10th year. Would be 12 but for Covid. Lots of Caravan time here as well. VFR only (mostly) 207s back in the day. Fun Stuff. HAHA!!! Zeldman knows. Know your hours of service and all the rules about them down cold...
  10. Htaylor

    Noise Cancleling Head Set

    Why does it have to be "or" ? :):):D
  11. Htaylor

    Thinking about taking the Mother of All Road Trips;

    I've done the drive in both directions. Flown it Westbound several times ferrying aircraft. Lots to see and do along the way. I always enjoy the drive. Be sure and stop here.
  12. Htaylor

    Part 135 research - a few questions

    I've worked for 4 Part 135 operators. 2 are gone, one is as good as dead and 1 is still going strong and profitable. It's profitable due to the owner(s) having other income sources and being able to plow some percentage of the profits back into the company. They also have freight contracts which...
  13. Htaylor

    How long to schedule plane?

    That would be pretty inexpensive PC-12 time. I work for 2 Pilatus operators. They both charge around $1600/hr for the PC-12.
  14. Htaylor

    Question, can I travel from AK thru Canada with Basic Med?

    Basic Med aside, Canada still has quite a few Covid related travel restrictions in place for foreign nationals. You might land in Port Hardy only to have a nice chat with the RCMP. I made Juneau to PDX non-stop in a single once. But only because a Caravan holds 330 gallons of gas. Tailwind all...
  15. Htaylor

    Door Steward info

    I give a lot of instruction in a 140 that has a Door Steward installed. Don't even know it's there when door is closed. No issues getting in or out pf the plane.
  16. Htaylor

    How much snow....

    There's a reason I don't stay in Juneau through the winter. It was a balmy 76 degrees while out in the RZR yesterday in the California desert.
  17. Htaylor

    Freight Dogs

    Always nice to have a backhaul. Freight and groceries outbound. HR on the way back. $$$ both directions. Done it several times. The body bag fits nicely on one side of a 207 with seats for family of the deceased on the other side.
  18. Htaylor

    My [older] kids as STUDENT pilots in my personal C-172?

    Agreed. My son learned to fly in my Cherokee when he was in his early 20s. The only excess wear I could see was a set of main tires replaced early. I do a lot of teaching in owner-flown airplanes, including primary. If an impending landing is going to be a bit rough, the student will learn about...
  19. Htaylor

    Who gets to name fixes?

    The FAFs to KLAX 24R and 25L have been renamed KOBEE and GIGII in memory of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gigi. KOBEE is almost over the old LA Forum where the Lakers used to play. There's UPDOC which is over the Warner Bros. studios in Burbank. SBONO, CLOWD and UBABE are near Palm Springs...
  20. Htaylor

    Caught stealing a bridge

    And now it's a road to nowhere since the bridge was never built. HAHA!!!