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  1. keen9

    If a plane were weightless...

    It is always fun to see amateurs talk about engineering!
  2. keen9

    Pan Pan

    You made the right call. The issue was probably the recent maintenance, but you did not know that for sure.
  3. keen9

    What age is appropriate to start flight lessons?

    And sailplanes (glider is a terrible name) are an excellent way to start giving a better understanding of how airplanes actually fly with adverse yaw, the importance of angle of attack, and no distractions with electronic gadgets.
  4. keen9

    Teardrop Entry

    Higher means it will be harder to see them. There is a reason we have one pattern altitude.
  5. keen9

    FBO Self Serve not being checked for a month.

    Simple answer is yes. Also if nothing further is done after that, the local FSDO would be interested to hear about it. It can be really hard when your employer is not following safety rules, but the only right thing to do is to keep pressing until it is fixed.
  6. keen9

    Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?

    Uber is great. Drivers from all over descend on OSH to make money during the week. The only thing to be aware of is that there are specific Uber/Lyft pickup/drop-off locations on the site. They are on the EAA maps.
  7. keen9

    Taxi, not fly an acft for an annual.

    I ran into a similar concern when finishing the build of my airplane. The airplane needs to be ready to fly to get the airworthiness cert (at least per the DAR I used), so I needed to taxi test, and definitely break in the brakes (med speed taxi with moderate braking). As said above, if there...
  8. keen9

    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA

    That is an important point. You do not have control of the aircraft . . . don't waste brain cells making a radio call. Instead, focus on the problem, aka aviate first.
  9. keen9

    Forgetting to switch tanks

    This happened to a club airplane (that I'm thankfully no longer involved with) with a "highly experienced" CFII and instrument student flying. We finally got the club to make "filling to the tabs" standard so we didn't have to burn off fuel to really use the damn plane. They decided preflight...
  10. keen9

    Osh 2024 NOTAM is out

    I suspect this is to solve the problem of sending people who did nothing wrong all the way back to Endeavor when they have to turn them out at Fisk.
  11. keen9

    Taking a deeper dive into maneuvering speed

    The wing doesn't care what caused the AOA to increase (gust or elevator deflection). Either way it can't produce more lift, and therefore, cannot overload the spar. And yes, when you get to swept wings and jets things can change, but we are talking about light aircraft.
  12. keen9

    Midwest POA June Brunch: June 22, 2024 1000 CDT, The Jet Room at KMSN, Madison, WI.

    Keen flight is here. It's really nice out!
  13. keen9

    [NA] Printing wall poster?

    If you want to go higher end, Nations Photo Lab is where I go for really high quality prints for a reasonable price. Your 10yr probably won't care, but if it is for you to also enjoy an amazing print . . .
  14. keen9

    Etiquette for establishing 2 way radio-communication at delta

    That is interesting. I had to go look. Dupo is too close (in the current class D), so that is why it isn't used anymore! The Billiken students tend to make nice brief calls like they should. The other flight schools at KCPS . . . not so much though still not too bad. The practice area is still...
  15. keen9

    Piece of plastic packaging blown into the tank

    The fumes are what is highly flammable. Also, why @Racerx suggests a couple of days of air drying to get to a non-flammable environment in the tank before scoping it.
  16. keen9

    Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024

    Not much there. There is a small FBO building with bathrooms and cheap self-serve fuel. I haven't heard of any event planning there. I'm planning KPCD because they did a nice job for the last one.