Search results

  1. Doug Reid

    Is adding vor worth it?

    I have never liked the idea of keeping all your eggs in one basket. I doesn't hurt to stay proficient flying VOR's. Being able to fly 20 miles by pilotage is also a challenge if you never practice.
  2. Doug Reid

    Cessna 100hour inspection

    Read my post #43. I have direct knowledge about this situation. I live in NC and we went thru a similar situation a few years ago. The CLT FSDO was involved..they said to contact the sheriffs department and get the logbooks back. Get your plane out of there also. They have no right...
  3. Doug Reid

    FedEx strikes again...

    While I am ranting...I sent a GNS430 for repair to Bevan in Kansas last year...the radio weighed 7 lbs and the box might have weighed 10-12 with packing materials. Round trip UPS insured was $200...ouch !
  4. Doug Reid

    FedEx strikes again...

    My front porch seems to be the dropping off point for my neighborhood. Every day I get packages for all my neighbors..Amazon, UPS, USPS, FEDEX. A few weeks ago, I heard a noise only to find my entire front porch covered with bags of groceries from Walmart...not my order....milk, frozen foods...
  5. Doug Reid

    Who's an Airport Manager on here?

    Area 51...shhhhhh
  6. Doug Reid


    Most ptt switches are just momentary single pole switches, although I have seen other types used, but only wired for momentary SP. What I am saying is you only need a switch with 2 contacts that closes when you press it. Are there three wires connected to your switch or two wires ?
  7. Doug Reid

    Is adding vor worth it?

    I routinely use both gps and vor/dme when traveling on a long flight. It gives me another source of situational awareness and keeps me from getting bored. I am an old school pilot...If I have dual navcoms I try to use them and insure that they are working properly. Like others have...
  8. Doug Reid

    Cessna 100hour inspection

    You are entitled to your property. The mechanic is entitled to take you to court for money you owe him. The mechanic is not entitled to hold your property. The sheriff's department is supposed to assist you getting access and recover your plane and logbooks. You will have to show proof of...
  9. Doug Reid

    Radio interference? in Class B airspace

    Are you flying close to radio broadcast towers ?
  10. Doug Reid

    Canards and the Cessna 182

    Good question..
  11. Doug Reid

    Canards and the Cessna 182

    Is that prop aeromatic ?
  12. Doug Reid

    Two years behind bars for lasering aircraft

    Some idiot shined a laser pointer in my wife's eye a few years ago while we were having dinner in a restaurant..she was ready to kick his a$$...her eye bothered her for a few days after.
  13. Doug Reid

    Question about constellation brakes

    I looked at the flight all the checklists, but did not see any mention of this subject.
  14. Doug Reid

    Explain plane spotting to me

    I know that if I do a search for my N number online, it will return pretty nice photos of my plane landing and departing several fly ins that I have attended. The photos are shown with info on how to purchase copies for myself. So..maybe they are trying to drum up a few sales ?
  15. Doug Reid

    Garmin database advice? Garmin vs Jeppesen? 430W and 496

    I use Garmin to keep my non waas gns430 current. The plan I purchased has nav, obstacle and terrain. The 496 can be updated there also. If you use Garmin, you will have to purchase their adapter, the Jeppesen adapter will not that is another expense. When my current update runs out, I...
  16. Doug Reid

    Noisy transmit on both coms

    Many times dirty plugs and jacks create problems. Wipe the plugs with a cloth dampened with contact cleaner..then, use a Q tip and gently wipe inside the mic and headphone jacks also dampened with cleaner..rotate the Q tip slightly and be gentle not to lose the cotton swab . You might see the Q...
  17. Doug Reid

    Less flaps for XWind landings

    Also, if the landing is not going well you can go around...partial flaps is desirable in this situation.
  18. Doug Reid

    Ditch vacuum system?

    Garmin suggests mounting their magnetometer in the outboard section of the wing.
  19. Doug Reid

    Cylinder leaning itself while climbing?

    Early Bonanzas had a Bendix pressure carb with auto mixture. The auto mixture portion might have an issue..cannot say for sure, but that would be my guess. Like Bell and Magman posted, these systems are somewhat complicated and there are relationships between different portions of the unit that...