Silly question: do we need wristbands on today? I’ve never gotten in on a Saturday before. Didn’t know if there was even anything on the grounds open.
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Look at all the space. Park there? Nope. “Reserved” for mass arrivals.
Sheesh. Got parked off the end of Rwy 9. Row 551
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That’s funny, considering in 2019 I got behind a Bo at 1,800 doing 80kts. Sigh. 1 unplanned lap around Green Lake...
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Gonna finally be flying a plane capable of 135kts. Bad form to fly the 2,300/135kt arrival even though I -could- do 90kts?
At $190/hr my wallet is talking to me...
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Room booked. I said I was with POA and preferred to be in rooms in the same area. She had no idea what I was talking about.
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