Search results

  1. David Loftus

    High wing vs low wing efficiency

    Having learned in Cessnas and flying them for years, I favored high wings for visibility, shade, and stability. But buying a Diamond DA40 has made me a fan of low wing aircraft. The Diamond overcomes the shortage of doors and poor accessibility of many low wings, I would argue they have better...
  2. David Loftus

    How necessary is iPad GPS for ForeFlight?

    BTW, Foreflight allows you two iPads and an iPhone running the app simultaneously.
  3. David Loftus

    How necessary is iPad GPS for ForeFlight?

    I think pilots should always have a backup GPS, especially flying IFR. If you’ve ever lost a panel or an alternator, it would be a no-brainer. My iPad Mini has GPS, as does my iPhone. I also power up my Stratus 2 for IFR. Backups for my backups. The Dual GPS puck mentioned above is a good...
  4. David Loftus

    How many pre-buys did you have to do?

    Three out of town visits, one pre~buy that was successful. Although there were a couple of issues that I insisted on keeping funds in escrow to rectify.