You can make some broad strokes to narrow it down. Do you plan to travel long distances? Then the Cub is probably out. Do you want to land on unimproved strips? No Cirrus for you.
Its not really feasible to fly every plane you *might* like to do you evaluation. Nor every *type* of flying...
Since we've revived this post, I'm gonna need all of you to send me copies of your Pilot's certificate and medical so I can just ramp check you all enmasse and get it over with. Also sent a $10 'processing fee' with your documents..
Ummm Tim, was that YOU...?
Good info all around thanks. I was considering contacting the Red Star guys and asking about attendance. Glad we're thinking alike!
With ther Red Star guys there, I wouldnt dawdle on making the res. Ive heard the cancellation policy has been relaxed some, but I could be wrong. Last time I had to cancel we were able to move our dates out a few weeks with no issues, but maybe they just like us
"...for naught."
But thats neither here nor there. I have no idea, but I bet suing the FAA will result in some 'difficulties' with your certifications.
Once you decide on a professional approach, I would as her father, discuss your concerns about diagnosis and medication with the counselor regarding future FAA dealings.