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  1. A

    Android Pilots guidance

    I use whatever is the cheapest tablet I can find, without cell, in about an 8" size, with a case. And I get two of them. And I load Avare on my phone, too. I use an external GPS via bluetooth, as the tablet gps's have always been marginal for me inside an airplane. All of this is just as a...
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    A barbecue adventure, the saga unfolds.

    I would not have thought to use baby corn outside of an asian thing. Stealing that idea... FWIW, everybody probably knows, name brand frozen partial ears of corn are pretty good, too. Often fresher than I can get in season here from local farm stands.
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    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    Is it one product "energy drink and body spray"? Because that sounds both horrible, and a rip off of an old Saturday Night Live skit. Re boxing, no, I don't think so. I think this last one was officially Fonzie doing the water ski thing.
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    Spirit Airline Hit by Gunfire

    Is this where someone starts the rumor that it was staged by the airline, so they could start upcharging for seats with small arms armor?
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    What would you do?

    Somewhere there's a life rule that says "don't get into a p**ng match with a guy that has easy access to a cement mixer."
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    Next word that comes to mind...

    Lincoln (We had a 10 year old '76 Lincoln town car when I was a teenager. I put armor all on the leather bench seats...front and rear. After than anyone riding in it or driving it had to have a seatbelt on to avoid sliding from one side to the other in a turn and slamming into the door.)
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    Best grandfather/grandpa

    I don't remember my grandfather on my dad's side, but from all accounts he was a good guy. Bit of a renaissance guy in his own way. Was the town fire chief for a while, avid hunter/trapper/fisherman, did woodworking and oil painting, ran a business in town. He was proud of working with his...
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    What would you do?

    If he had the connections, an actual fire hydrant would be funnier.
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    FFS. I need a new hobby.

    Second vote for freecad. It isn't all that intuitive all the time, but lots of good info on it on the Internet. I use it solely for designing parts to be sliced and printed with a Prusa printer. That paint mask you built looks great, and would be pretty quick to put together with freecad...
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    The self-flagellation of the frugal and mechanically minded(a rant)

    Good catch on finding the granite. I find it tough to understand putting in a countertop that would last for a thousand years in a kitchen that will be remodeled in 10.
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    Woman Backs Into Propeller, Kansas, fatal, 10/27

    Yeah, I wasn't proposing any sort of rule change specifically for two reasons. One, this type of accident is fortunately very rare, and two, because this was a relatively unusual circumstance. Most people around airports are either pilots/crew or passengers, and every place I've ever flown has...
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    It was a good day.

    As I've grown older, I've come to realize that in some aspects Dostoevsky was an optimist. But as far as today goes, I had a great day. Work went smoothly, no crashes on the commute, glass of iced tea beside me, and the electricity and Internet works almost all the time.
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    Woman Backs Into Propeller, Kansas, fatal, 10/27

    It's a really sad story. There are a lot of fields where there's not much margin for error for some accidents. Easy to take those for granted. I'm not suggesting any rule change here...but maybe for some airports, some times, a procedural change. I've worked as a consultant in a couple of...
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    A barbecue adventure, the saga unfolds.

    Pretty cool! That scoring system, however, is more complicated than a scoring system I'm aware of to hire people into 6 figure IT jobs. Although 6 figures isn't what it used to be, and that bbq looks pretty good.
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    Insight Wanted: Survey on Catastrophic Oil Leak Detection

    To the OP, congrats on having the patience to hang out here. Your group reminds me of an old joke. Four guys are traveling for work in a rental car. Going down a steep hill, they lose their brakes and almost go off the edge of the cliff, but through luck and skill they survive, gently...
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    The self-flagellation of the frugal and mechanically minded(a rant)

    For the sarcastically impaired....or people too young to be able to tell the difference, someone is pointing out the sadness/humor of conflating a Steve McQueen movie with a Burt Reynolds movie. And the answer is... I think only James Garner and Steve McQueen could actually drive their cars in...
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    What would you do?

    When I was going to school I rented a place that only had street parking, because it was within walking distance of the college. More miserable in snow country because you typically have to move your car from side to side, sometimes every night when it snows. So after I got a job that let me...
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    Houston: Robinson R44 helo down

    None at all. But I'm pretty familiar with how people are taught to code coming out of college and in internships, and I'm quite familiar with the typical success of bolt-on standards, specifically around compliance, for software development in general. I won't argue that standards and...
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    Is it normal for a student pilot to feel sad like this?

    This!! Don't be sad because you're not living up to the expectations you set for yourself. TV, movies, make it look like anyone just jumps into a plane and starts flying. Not the case. You probably love it enough that you know all of the technical reasons why planes fly, but that's not the...
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    Latest maniacal airline traveler

    Why would anyone want to go to Estonia? Especially this time of year.