Search results

  1. Witmo

    BFR Anything Else? Commercial Worth It?

    I agree that each incident will be evaluated on its own merits but I also believe (and have seen accident reports) that the FAA is less tolerant of mistakes if they are made by a commercial pilot who is allowed to charge the traveling public for his professional services. Being a professional...
  2. Witmo

    CFI's wanting to build time

    So 70+ yr old CFIs are idiots? They've probably forgotten more than you'll ever know.
  3. Witmo

    BFR Anything Else? Commercial Worth It?

    There's likely an insurance discount for an instrument rating, commercial, not so much. What could be a downside to having a commercial without "needing" one is the FAA will quite likely hold you to a higher standard should you ever run afoul of them. What might result in a stern talking to...
  4. Witmo

    New License for IR?

    FSDO personnel berated me for referring to it as a "license." It is a "certificate." Don't you ever refer to it as a license or they will take it away from you. ;)
  5. Witmo

    Mass Termination of DPEs - Portland, ME FSDO

    I wonder if you'd feel the same if you failed a checkride because the DPE was having a bad day or he required you to do something that you were unfamiliar with and wasn't a required item for the checkride. An acquaintance of mine failed the oral because the DPE refused to get on a scale or even...
  6. Witmo

    How can a pilot "forget" to put down gear in C510?

    We here at POA will hold you to that!
  7. Witmo


    There are some countries where it is indeed against the law to be rude. A DPE can certainly distract as part of the evaluation, but being rude is unprofessional and uncalled for under any circumstance. If I were to experience a truly rude DPE, I would discontinue the checkride and inform the...
  8. Witmo

    Aerobatics Pilot Killed in Runway Overrun, St. Augustine, 02 March

    Gliders land out all the time, usually successfully, and without jettisoning their canopies. One of our members landed out and went through a wire fence that almost decapitated him when it sliced through the plexiglass and cut him badly. If the canopy had been jettisoned, it probably would...
  9. Witmo


    Was this a checkride to become a CFI? From what I've been told, plenty of applicants fail this checkride on their first attempt. Try not to get discouraged. DPEs are not immune from being a jerk at times. I know lots of native English speakers that I have difficulty understanding. I recall...
  10. Witmo

    Teardrop Pattern Entry

    I once heard a pilot call on the 45 for a right base to runway 17. Confused was I.
  11. Witmo

    Teardrop Pattern Entry

    I hope you never use 'straight in to a 45' as part of a radio call. Saying "straight in" should be reserved for talking about final.
  12. Witmo

    Teardrop Pattern Entry

    If she g-locked doing an overhead she either had a medical condition or she didn't do a proper overhead break.
  13. Witmo

    Talk to me about becoming an A&P

    Doing an oil change hundreds of times, swapping out a couple of vacuum pumps or alternators, removing and replacing hundreds of inspection covers and the countless other mundane maintenance tasks that make up the bulk of a typical shop's assignments for the non-A&P worker is not going to...
  14. Witmo

    Now you too can own a Mig 29

    Personally, I'd take a F-86 over any of the Russian stuff as an owner.
  15. Witmo

    Helicopter flight training?

    Didn't thing the GI Bill will pay for an initial certificate unless it was part of a college degree program.
  16. Witmo

    Tower freaked me out for no reason

    VORs are airplane magnets and I could easily see two aircraft having a midair over a vor and a subsequent TFR being imposed. That being said, the controller should have waited until the aircraft had safely landed before commenting.
  17. Witmo

    F-111 belly landing

    Had a couple landing incidents in my time in the F-111. Blew the right main tire on landing rollout on weapons training deployment to Zaragoza Spain. It made getting out on the right side much easier--didn't have to jump down, just stepped over the canopy rail. Had the hook come down...
  18. Witmo

    Starting flight school

    Fly as often as you can with as few long breaks between lessons as possible. There will be ups and downs (no pun intended) so keep spirits up and realize that we all were in your shoes at one time and persevered. Good luck and as you progress through your training and I encourage you to ask...
  19. Witmo

    Conventional vs. Tricycle

    Does having a check airman along for every ride make a better pilot? Does everyone enjoy having a check airman aboard on every flight looking over your shoulder? Some pilots relish displaying their aeronautical expertise and would say yes and being forced to be on top of their game for each...