Search results

  1. Witmo

    Helene relief flights

    I saw a TV news story about a private helicopter trying to rescue a couple with their pets whose house had been washed away and they were stranded with no way to get out. The couple flagged him down as he was flying up the river. He landed and took the woman to safety but had to leave his son...
  2. Witmo

    Get A&P license to maintain own Airplane

    I can't speak for all A&Ps but personally, I don't want the added liability and hassle.
  3. Witmo

    Get A&P license to maintain own Airplane

    Adding the IA is relatively easy compared to getting an A&P beforehand. The only real additional privileges afforded someone with IA are doing annuals and signing off STCs and major repairs.
  4. Witmo

    Nan Chang CJ-6A mid-air LA County

    The primary issue is there are at least two airplanes in close proximity to one another. Any sort of distraction or an abrupt movement could result in a collision. Saying there are no issues if done correctly is like saying no landing will go badly if done correctly or aerobatics are perfectly...
  5. Witmo

    Aviation Etiquette

    Be aware what's directly behind you when you do a runup or mag check.
  6. Witmo

    Self serve fuel pump etiquette

    You probably think it's okay for someone to taxi to the number one position and then spend 15 minutes calling to file and get an IFR clearance and release on a beautiful VFR day with 3 airplanes behind him trying to depart.
  7. Witmo

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    I stand corrected about slips not being a required maneuver if necessary. Your screen shot didn't actually include the part of the ACS where it talks about skills: PA.IV.M.S7 As necessary, correlate crosswind with direction of forward slip and transition to side slip before touchdown. I'm not...
  8. Witmo

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    It's been an awful long time since I had my private pilot checkride but I honestly don't remember needing to or being asked to do a slip since the aircraft was equipped with 40 degree flaps. In my old age I've become very comfortable doing very short approaches using full flaps and an...
  9. Witmo

    Allowing CFI to fly my plane

    Invariably, an FBO's insurance policy is written to make the FBO whole should a renter have an accident. It doesn't necessarily protect the renter in any way. If there is an accident in an FBO's rental, the FBO insurance carrier can go after the renter in attempt to recover any funds they've...
  10. Witmo

    Allowing CFI to fly my plane

    If he's planning on instructing in it, the open pilot clause may not apply. You need to check what he plans to do with it and then check with your insurance company. Normally, you can rent your plane to someone for private use if they meet the open pilot clause restrictions and you won't need...
  11. Witmo

    Egregious FBO charges

    On a related issue, the information about Vector providing a service to track down aircraft/owners and collect fees reminds me of ATC services in the United Kingdom. Pilots are charged ala carte for services provided. Shoot an approach, ka ching. Touch and go, ka ching. File a flight plan...
  12. Witmo

    Wing walking thrill rides shut down, pilot/operator loses license

    For some reason William Shatner seemed to get really upset when he witnessed a similar situation.
  13. Witmo

    Tool box recommendations for future A&P mechanic

    Just visited a HF store, Lowes and Home Depot. I was most impressed with the HF toolboxes for quality and price. Full disclosure, I have the A&P but never really used it professionally. Snap On boxes are too expensive, full stop. Buy good tools and cry once. I can't stress enough the need...
  14. Witmo

    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    The first rule of flight club don't talk about flight club.
  15. Witmo

    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    The mechanical aspects of an annual and a condition inspection are exactly the same. An A&P receives training in determining whether an aircraft is in a safe condition to fly. What makes the two inspections different is the requirement for an annual to additionally determine whether a standard...
  16. Witmo

    Thinking about a T-6

    Fella at my field had a beautiful AT6 for many years. Finally sold it and the new owner promptly ground looped it on his first landing.
  17. Witmo

    Pipistrel Panthera - The perfect airplane?

    I'm certain one of their salesmen would gladly convert FL to feet for you. Textron does business around the world. If it's too confusing for you, stick to Piper or Cessna.
  18. Witmo

    Pipistrel Panthera - The perfect airplane?

    You do realize the transition level in Europe is as low as 3000 feet so anything above is a FL.
  19. Witmo

    Dan Gryder banned from Airventure

    Gryder was at Air Adventure this year on crutches. He introduced a friend giving a lecture on the Tenerife accident. He successfully evaded security who went looking for him. They ended up tailing his son and the lecturer but they never found him.