Search results

  1. M

    Flight following

    Same here. By 200 ft. Weird.
  2. M

    PIREP of KELP - El Paso

    Atlantic at ELP is fabulous. They should have courtesy cars to get some great Mexican food nearby.
  3. M

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    Go with the Cirrus T. Just get all the training so you don't stall it at low altitude. The speed, efficiency, and BRS are an incredible combo.
  4. M

    When to turn leaving Class D airport?

    Request where you need to go. They will either clear you on that heading, or give you another vector. If they give you a vector, you have to follow it until you leave D, then you can do whatever you like.
  5. M

    Fuel exhaustion event

    You are gonna skip the most important part of the story? So weird. "The filler cap was not correctly sealed, which allowed roughly 15 gallons of fuel to be siphoned off during 2 hours of flight. I am going to withhold technical details on why that happened."
  6. M

    IFR and cost and future plans

    C182 will do it well
  7. M

    Flightaware security breach

    For those that did not receive the email, does that mean they are not affected? Asking for a friend.
  8. M

    Trained in 172 and want to move to a Cirrus

    If money is no issue, just get the Cirrus now. The day after you get your PPL, you will be very comfortable and competent flying it.
  9. M

    Leaning during climb

    I lean to get CHTs of 350-380 during the climb and cruise. I typically climb at 65% power. As long as those two parameters are met, I am not worried about damaging the engine.
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    Why didn't they fly the plane back to the runway?

    I guess if they let go of the canopy, it could have damaged the V tail and resulted in total loss of control.
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    Why didn't they fly the plane back to the runway?

    I am confused why they did not fly back to the runway? Can the plane not maintain altitude with the canopy off?
  12. M

    What causes engine roughness when you lean too much?

    Thank you for the graph and explanation. It makes it clearer when presented this way. I am trying to figure out where is lambda = 1 on the graph. I thought it would be at peak EGT, but the power curve is throwing me off. Why is the power not the highest at peak EGT?
  13. M

    What causes engine roughness when you lean too much?

    How does a spark plug become weak? Is a strong spark plug simply a cleaned/new one, or a specific type?
  14. M

    What causes engine roughness when you lean too much?

    That is super helpful. Thank you. It also explains why my engine runs better when leaned and I partially pull carb heat.
  15. M

    What causes engine roughness when you lean too much?

    That makes sense. Thank you.
  16. M

    What causes engine roughness when you lean too much?

    Sorry, I was not talking about that. I am referring to leaning in cruise.
  17. M

    What causes engine roughness when you lean too much?

    O-470S on a C182, though I think this applies to most engines. When I lean too much, the engine starts running rough. What is actually happening at that time? I thought as I lean, the leanest cylinder may not have enough fuel to combust, which would cause EGTs to plummet, but that does not...
  18. M

    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Option 1: Purchase the plane only for PPLs, then sell it. You may spend a lot of time/money fixing the plane, then selling it, and may or may not recoup the money (likely will). Option 2 (far better): buy the last plane now, train in it, upgrade it, and enjoy it for a long time. Economical...
  19. M

    An Afternoon in Seattle

    Those two are far apart. Not sure how much time you have and what kind of transportation you have. Also consider Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum. How about a hot air balloon ride at S43?
  20. M

    Pipistrel Panthera - The perfect airplane?

    DA50 does not have a BRS (the chute), which makes it non-competitive, just like Cessna TT.