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  1. P

    When your wife is a nurse…

    My father has his birthday a day before mine and the family always gets together to celebrate. One year, after seeing this, I said, "I'll bring the cake." My mom refused to eat any of it. My dad took the leftovers home for his buddies on poker night.
  2. P

    Can USAF assist ATC?

    Yes. Aircraft executing rapid altitude changes should squawk 4000 instead of 1200.
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    [NA] Do you put Fritos™ on your chili?

    Assemble in the following order: 1. Bowl 2. Fritos 3. Chili 4. Shredded cheese (and don't use that pre shredded stuff, it's coated with stuff so that it doesn't stick together) 5. Diced onion 6. Tres Diablos hot sauce (since my wife doesn't like it very spicy). Perfecto!
  4. P

    IFR Flight Plan Dropped Off

    Each center has a proposed flight plan drop interval. Ours was set at 120 minutes, but it is a changeable parameter. When the delays start going up, we would usually raise it to 180 or 240. Set it too high and you have beacon allocation issues. Set it too low and the flight plan drops out...
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    Flights for Bacon

    All California craziness aside, if you're ever in Madisonville, TN (KMNV) you've got to go to Benton Country Hams and buy their bacon. They cure it the old fashioned way with salt and sugar for 28 days then smoke it. Afterward, it doesn't need refrigeration. Your house will have the most...
  6. P

    My second near head on with an air tractor

    IMHO, reports to the ASRS are data points that can show trends toward safety hazards before they become an accident/incident. If enough reports show there is a problem, perhaps something can be done to remedy it.
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    Ornery controllers?

    When I first went into OJT, I was surprised to find the controller that was the most ornery with GA pilots was himself, a GA pilot. I went up with him once in his Muskateer and his demeanor was completely different on the other side of the mic.
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    Any tips for a pilot starting instrument?

    Visit an ATC facility (or two). For the pilots that visited us, they all said they learned a lot about why we did what we did. I would suggest a smaller approach control where the controller had time to talk between transmissions to explain what's going on. If you can also visit a center as well...
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    Reporting Wildfires

    At ZTL when we got pilot reports for forest fires we had a list of numbers to call depending on the geographic location of the fire.
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    Does Center ever provide vectors to final?

    Enroute facilities can and do provide vectors to final. As @flyingron said SVH is a good example. Pilots can expect vectors to final at HKY nearby as well and in fact there was (is) a Letter to Airmen advertising practice instrument approaches there.
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    ATC protocol for unclosed flight plan

    Thank you for the welcome!
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    ATC protocol for unclosed flight plan

    I retired 3 years ago. If an aircraft was overdue, or there was a simultaneous unexpected loss of radar/radio contact, we issued an ALNOT. An ALNOT gets the AFRCC involved. Honestly, I cannot recall issuing an INREQ during my career. If your aircraft is possibly down, more people looking for you...
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    ATC protocol for unclosed flight plan

    Here's my experience with this. Sorry if it's too long. My steps I followed: 1. Issue an ALNOT (alert notice). This is a message sent through Flight Data to all facilities 100NM either side of centerline of the route seeking information on the flight. The AFRCC (Air Force Rescue Coordination...