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  1. Dave Theisen

    Our move to Texas

    I’ve ridden in those seats! :)
  2. Dave Theisen

    Florida in Crosshairs Again…. Milton

    It’s tracking further south than the original prediction. Sarasota is forecasting 110K
  3. Dave Theisen

    U.S. Pilot, Canadian Airplane

    The title pretty much sums up my question. Can a U.S. certificated pilot be PIC in a Canadian registered airplane on a flight operated solely in the United States?
  4. Dave Theisen

    FAA Airmen Certification Branch Efficiency!

    I know the new rule doesn’t get me out of doing the FIRC every two years, but my point was, it doesn’t go into effect until 12/1/24, so this year I’ll get one more with the expiration date, and then get another in 2026 without.
  5. Dave Theisen


    Your toes get there two minutes before your heels do.
  6. Dave Theisen

    Air-to-Air P-40 Warhawk

    Of course, why wouldn’t you? :)
  7. Dave Theisen

    FAA Airmen Certification Branch Efficiency!

    Yeah, I really should have had the foresight when I took my checkride 24 years ago. :)
  8. Dave Theisen

    Aviation Etiquette

    There’s go to be a story there. :)
  9. Dave Theisen

    FAA Airmen Certification Branch Efficiency!

    Figures, my expiration date is 11/30/24.
  10. Dave Theisen

    Have you ever spent six hours with your underwear on backwards?

    He was just trying to confuse the ticks. :)
  11. Dave Theisen

    Have you ever spent six hours with your underwear on backwards?

    I have my suspicions on who would do this, and would actually tell any one. :)
  12. Dave Theisen

    What advice would you give someone for a CFI checkride?

    Yes, it states that specifically for the long cross country which is not what you referenced in your previous post.
  13. Dave Theisen

    What advice would you give someone for a CFI checkride?

    Yes, it has to be to a landing, but there is no full stop requirement.
  14. Dave Theisen

    Does anyone wear out their exercise equipment?

    I’ve heard that @eman1200 has Thigh Master in “like brand new” condition. :)
  15. Dave Theisen

    Cheapest way to build retract time

    Pull the Hobbs meter circuit breaker. :)
  16. Dave Theisen

    Man who crashed snowmobile into a parked Black Hawk helicopter suing government for $9.5M

    Yeah, and the “two” beers plus drugs. But it was 60% the helicopter crew’s fault?
  17. Dave Theisen

    There are 101 public airports in Illinois...

    I’d have to do the trip at night and hope nobody sees me. :)