Search results

  1. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Training Crash

    You pick the target, like “beginning of 3rd stripe” or “start of 1k ft markers”. If you’re trying to demonstrate a 180 power off maneuver for a commercial checkride, it’s a fail to miss the target -0 ft/+200 ft. Think of it this way - you’re in a glider, you can’t go around, you got 1 shot...
  2. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Teardrop Entry

    Not following expected pattern entries should be the exception rather than the rule. Some airplanes, airspaces, and situations may occasionally call for it. If everyone is doing something different at a given field, then something’s wrong and conflicts are bound to happen. I’m not saying...
  3. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Teardrop Entry

    If some folks would quit trying to outsmart AC90-66C, things would be a lot easier for everyone. It’s not that hard and not unclear. If it is, read until understood.
  4. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Burning Man

    It serves partly as a traveling tool for some. You can preserve it for your estate or the next buyer, which is saving some equity, or you can use it for fun while you’re alive. No different than eating good food, smoking good cigars, drinking good drink, or wasting it in other similar ways...
  5. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Zenith 750 stol

    Consider resale value or if partnership has to switch hands, which will be more sellable and retain more value? Is serviceability away from home a consideration? Go with the engine that has more mechanic familiarity and parts availability.
  6. 455 Bravo Uniform

    How much ethanol is too much

    @Cap'n Jack I believe you hail from the petrochem industry if I remember?
  7. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    I’ve used O2, home made setup, no major issues with dryness, but again, no legs longer than 2.5’ish hours.
  8. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    I’d have to find the plane that was easiest to pee in a bottle multiple times with 4+ hour legs…
  9. 455 Bravo Uniform

    How much ethanol is too much

    If that extra 80 gallons was in a ferry tank and a ferry system and I knew that I could run it out or clean it completely, with only a short run of incompatible airplane components in contact with it, I’d run it. Then inspect and/or replace seals and stuff so I could trust the entire system again.
  10. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Hug your kids

    Sorry Ed. Thanks for reminding me that everything else I think and worry about is secondary BS. So true. Sorry brother. I hope you and yours find some peace soon.
  11. 455 Bravo Uniform

    What Happens with External 3 Pin Power

    Yes. No click, so I replaced it. I also replaced my starter contactor (solenoid) based on voltage drop. I then replaced the short 9” cable between starter contactor and starter based on the other half of my drop (I mail ordered a custom cable from an airplane guy that someone on POA...
  12. 455 Bravo Uniform

    What Happens with External 3 Pin Power

    Check the functioning of this solenoid. It should click when ground power is attached. POH will advise whether master should be on/off or split. Check your logs to see if someone changed something (like when/if an avionics master was added). It took me a while to figure out my system a few...
  13. 455 Bravo Uniform

    What would you do if you won $100k?

    Me & @murphey
  14. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Grounded for not talking

    Is it possible the controller was wrong, or just unwilling or unable to accommodate? Someone NORDO called a tower in a Class D (with a 20 mile TSRA) with a mobile phone. They were asked if they would accept light gun signals from ATC. They taxied and took off accordingly. CFI onboard. So...
  15. 455 Bravo Uniform

    An extraordinarily bizarre airspeed mystery that no A&P can solve

    I want my $100 gift card. I was scammed. :)
  16. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Grounded for not talking

    Bummer. Thanks for sharing the story. Always have an alternate (like extra time in this instance) so you’re not forced to miss an appointment or make a dangerous decision.
  17. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Fuel exhaustion event

    Thanks for sharing. Glad it worked out. Hopefully your son wasn’t too shocked, put off, or scared. Looking forward to your lessons. PM me, happy to work with you (privately) on cause and corrective actions, if you’d like, and then share here if you wanted. I’ve done this for petrochemical...
  18. 455 Bravo Uniform

    Next word that comes to mind...

  19. 455 Bravo Uniform


    Not really. Without my IR, the decisions were easy, black & white one might say. “No-go” was easy, and less tempting of fate with a “go” decision due to conservatism. After the IR, you need to use better judgement. Your skill proficiency, plane’s condition, and consideration of how sure...
  20. 455 Bravo Uniform


    Fly often. The more time between flights, the more likely to get nervous about the next one. It gets better. Fly more. Keep those “spidey senses” going, it’s survival instinct.