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  1. rwellner98


    Too soon! 10-15 knot winds aren't alway bumpy. And, even when they are, they aren't always bumpy at all altitudes. This weather is good learning weather. Maybe it wasn't a good use of your time for maintaining altitude within 50ft of your target. Or for staying within 5 degrees of your...
  2. rwellner98

    Chicago weather is beautiful today

    I had skis on the old one and will someday get them mounted on the new one. I'm taking things slow as I had a bear of a time getting insurance, even though the previous total loss had nothing to do with me doing something wrong.
  3. rwellner98

    What's YOUR Best Headwind Story ...

    My best one? I'm pretty low time. 1300 hours or so. But I had part of a leg once that didn't have a headwind. That was my best headwind story.
  4. rwellner98

    Chicago weather is beautiful today

    Still a bit too snowy to bring the plane back to the farm here in Wisconsin...
  5. rwellner98

    Apple Vision and Foreflight

    I have no idea if there is a practical aspect to this, but it sure looks cool!
  6. rwellner98

    New youtube channel idea

    The bad news is that there isn't a terribly big market for what you want to do. The good news, is that it's very durable content. By which I mean that it isn't news or other content that is going to get stale. So you may find that it's hard to hit a home run, but it's possible to build a...
  7. rwellner98

    [NA] Odd Dog Behavior

    Nah, that's too general. There are social dogs and antisocial dogs. Social dogs love being with other dogs. For example, our mexi-mutts are far from being stressed out being together. :-)
  8. rwellner98

    Best airplane camping meals of 2023

    I've seen those. I'm pretty likely to make some birria ramen for a mexican twist. Yeah, flying with me has some perks to make up for having to hang out with me. ;-)
  9. rwellner98

    Has anyone ever volunteered at Airventure?

    Buddy of mine volunteers every year and reports that there is definitely a hierarchy and you don't get the plum gigs until you have put in the time to earn them. Which is about what one would expect.
  10. rwellner98

    Best airplane camping meals of 2023

    Yeah, I'm getting hungry! I'm definitely going to do some international stuff. Pirogi burgers. Kimchi chicken fried rice. Frijoles charros. Jooje-Kebab. I have a couple other ideas also. Anyone here have a favorite camping dish I should consider making?
  11. rwellner98

    Oshkosh Group (Airplane) Camping?

    Wait, what? Why do people pay a camping fee for the week and then not use their RVs?
  12. rwellner98

    Non-aviation: advice for selling first house

    Yeah, my house was in Carol Stream. This guy can definitely help you.
  13. rwellner98

    Will your heirs even want your logbooks?

    Yeah, it's only the really notable stuff that people want to keep around. My wife's family was part of the Heath candy company, so we have a coffee table fashioned from one of the original copper kettles used to make toffee there. My grandfather spent five years in Japan in the 50's starting the...
  14. rwellner98

    Automotive Subforum

    It's subforums all the way down...
  15. rwellner98

    Automotive Subforum

    And we can create a subforum in it for plane related stuff when the threads drift to aviation.
  16. rwellner98

    Non-aviation: advice for selling first house

    I sold my house in the Chicago suburbs last year and got referred to my broker by asking a broker friend in another state to look up the local ones in their company database and let me know which ones were good. I was very happy with the one I got. Happy to recommend him if you are still looking.
  17. rwellner98

    Thinking about an EV (nvm, bought one)

    What are you gonna use to clean it? :-)
  18. rwellner98

    What iPad?

    But then I have two devices again. With the Max size phone, I only have to carry one.
  19. rwellner98

    Oshkosh Group (Airplane) Camping?

    Yeah, there is no perfect answer. I camped a number of years with the C195 group and it had a great sense of community that I've never seen anywhere else (and I've camped literally everywhere except ultralights). It's a shame that there can't be more of that. I think it's pretty hard to doubt...
  20. rwellner98

    T-hangar construction
