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  1. WDD

    Oh no, not again. Katamarino's flight to Australia.

    Any thoughts about flying through the Middle East, Iranian airspace, etc.?
  2. WDD

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    Many years ago as college graduate just into my first job, I had "value" transportation. A Dodge K car. It was speed limited to 65 MPH. No computer coding needed. It just wouldn't go any faster. :cool:
  3. WDD

    Is Broken at 1300 considered VFR?

    You were technically MVFR at that airport. Ceiling between 1000 and 3000, visibility 3 to 5 statute miles.
  4. WDD

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    This is a sign - go but one.
  5. WDD

    T210...Give me the good, the bad, and the ugly

    You mention more speed and hauling capacity, but most comments are about your father/passenger loading. I have a 182P, and wife is "non tall" person who doesn't get in as easily as I do. Forgive if this is something you did years ago, but have you gotten a small foldable stool / step ladder?
  6. WDD

    Florida in Crosshairs Again…. Milton

    Hang in there !
  7. WDD

    Florida in Crosshairs Again…. Milton

    The wind on the ground is a little over 100 mph, which is almost above Va. That’s sobering.
  8. WDD

    Florida in Crosshairs Again…. Milton

    Sarasota. Yikes.
  9. WDD

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    Does the previous owner know ?
  10. WDD

    Our move to Texas

    Denton? I thought the hippies hung out in Austin?
  11. WDD

    Our move to Texas

    Here are some new TX residents orientation videos you’ll find useful.
  12. WDD

    shade tree engine mount repair

    As stated in above post, the entire plane is suspect. An AI would be hesitant to sign off on that IMHO. So high of a chance that something is going to be missed by virtue that there are just so many things wrong. Sounds like a good candidate for a part out.
  13. WDD

    Our move to Texas

    Congrats! Your sled dog co pilot should have a great time in his new home.
  14. WDD

    Who can do Rigging?

    I working up the idea that I’ll have my local mechanic check/ re rig things per the book as a stop gap, get things better. Make an appointment a year out to get the “rigging guru” to do the precise rigging.
  15. WDD

    Who can do Rigging?

    You adjust the thrust line of the engine with engine mounts???
  16. WDD

    Who can do Rigging?

    Sounds possible with a good A&P. I’m becoming smarter about working with mechanics though. Some are good at xyz, but for abc you want to go somewhere else. For example I declined working with an avionics shop about a GFC 500 autopilot install because the guy has never done one. But...
  17. WDD

    Who can do Rigging?

    Must be a popular topic. I found a shop in TN that specializes in rigging. They are taking appointments - one year out. No, not kidding. The shop in TX, John at Cessna Rigging according to posts above isn’t even returning calls. Yikes - and I thought avionics shops were backed up.
  18. WDD

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    Well then there is that …….
  19. WDD

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    Unless (and this will never happen) you have to input a non suspended license number to buy fuel, there is no barrier. And that doesn’t cover whether or not you’re up to date on flight reviews.