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  1. NHWannabe

    Any economists here?

    Which is another use of the 0% ads, it draws in people who wont qualify for that rate and they'll wind up with a loan at a higher rate and length. Stats on length of auto loans for new cars is astounding.
  2. NHWannabe

    Alton bay ice runway

    Getting closer
  3. NHWannabe

    Tipping FBO Staff

    You think the DPE thought a tip was rude?
  4. NHWannabe

    Advice needed (PPL training)

    Where in NY? It's a big state.
  5. NHWannabe

    How much snow....
  6. NHWannabe

    Accidental Fitbit cheating

    When step challenges were the rage
  7. NHWannabe

    A different place to quarantine

    Who the hell carries that many test kits and tests that often? She needs more than a Covid test.
  8. NHWannabe

    Happy New Year

    We said the same thing going into 2021, but hoping you're right! Happy New Year!
  9. NHWannabe

    Tipping FBO Staff

    And that's why I tip the line guys.
  10. NHWannabe

    Tipping FBO Staff

    That's not out of control, that's just plain ignorant.
  11. NHWannabe

    Tipping FBO Staff

    Most of the line guys at my Class D are young kids. I'm guessing they don't get paid much and they work their asses off in all kinds of weather so throwing them a $5 spot isn't a financial drain and if it gets them to me quicker when things are busy that's a bonus. I worked pumping gas at a gas...
  12. NHWannabe

    Tipping FBO Staff

    I always throw the guy who fuels the plane a $5
  13. NHWannabe

    Awful pictures in For Sale ads - post your examples!

    Fuel efficient engine
  14. NHWannabe

    Merry [insert holiday name here] to everyone!

    Merry Christmas flyers!
  15. NHWannabe

    Well, Hello Fellow Pilots!

    sorry I should have added a sarcasm emoji I was going along with Bryan's post about typical responses here;)
  16. NHWannabe

    Well, Hello Fellow Pilots!

    but the ipad mini has to be cellular
  17. NHWannabe

    Potentially Forced Into HIMS Due To A Tattoo

    Did Dr. Bruce **** in your Corn Flakes? You seem to have a hair across your backside.
  18. NHWannabe

    length of ppl practical exam

    After we did the paperwork and logbook review - the oral was slightly over an hour. The flight portion was exactly 1 hour on the Hobbs.