Spend the extra $$$ and get auto trim!
If you mess up on the manual trim bigly, then you may find yourself with a severely out of trim aircraft when disconnecting the AP. Scary. I seen it.
I don’t think they were publicly calling him out. A young security worker flashed a private list and was naive enough to allow someone to snap a photo.
OP probably shouldn’t have posted that pic online if the intent was for it to be a private list.
Money. If you have lots of it then buying a nice plane is like buying a jet ski.
You either got that money from being highly successful in most everything you do, or it was handed to you. Both can lead to bad endings with aircraft.
I always consider IF we slide into an airport before a line of storms hits…will we then get trashed on the ramp? Why not delay somewhere safe and breeze in after the carnage?