Don’t worry about doom and gloom. Learn the material, get the hours, be ready when the flood gates open. Don’t give up. Do the best you can, and have fun while doing it. You will miss those CFI days trust me. Get that PIC turbine time and meet me in DAL for a Wild Turkey!
Listen here, jack. What you need is a Cessna 195.
Picture this. You are clear to land. As you ease the throttle back, your Jacobs engine purrs like a kitten. You gracefully slip in base to final to touch down on the 1000 footers in two point configuration. The tail lowers like the setting sun...
Yea, we pulled our own chocks, briefed the pax, buckled up, took a selfie, drank some coffee, high fifed each other, then right before starting the first engine wrote down the Out time…goofy enough for you??