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  1. J

    Passed checkride

    Congrats! Enjoy your new wings!
  2. J

    Are the Bose A20's worth the $$

    I'd liken the change in sound to 1/5 of what you're used to hearing in a PNR set. Changes in sound are still noticeable but at a much lower volume level. I think I'd pick up on a change unless I'm blasting Metallica over the headset.
  3. J

    Training for ppl under multiple instructors??

    At one point over the summer while I was busy working and asked my CFI I could work with another CFI while on an extended assignment. He was quick to suggest the things I should focus on but had no issue with it. A CFI is a CFI and should generally be teaching the same things as any other CFI...
  4. J

    Cost of PPL training.

    I went through an entire part 61 without ever paying a deposit. That seems totally bizarre to me.
  5. J

    Are the Bose A20's worth the $$

    I recently visited Marv Golden's at KMYF in San Diego and had a chance to try the Bose A20's vs Lightspeed Zulu 2 vs Clarity Aloft vs AKG's. I must say, the difference between the A20 and Zulu 2 is barely anything. The only reason I'd pick the A20's is because they're TSO approved (which...
  6. J

    Solo complete! Thanks for the help!

    Just wait until you're cut loose for your first solo XC. Now that you have your pilot certificate, do lots of solo work, but keep going to your CFI every other flight to make sure you keep your chops. Enjoy part II!
  7. J

    QT Halo users: Black or Yellow?

    Thanks for all the advice folks...just pulled the trigger on a set and got them in yellow. Good points about not mixing up the headset with the wires and visibility at night. Will post my review once I fly with them a bit. Also looking forward to being able to travel easily with a pair instead...
  8. J

    QT Halo users: Black or Yellow?

    Does that come with the headset itself or do you need to buy those plugs separately?
  9. J

    QT Halo users: Black or Yellow?

    Yikes need to get harsh about my inquiry about the color. I'd like to buy them once and not deal with returning them and was curious as to why some folks have expressed regret about getting the black. I'm perfectly aware that they work fine regardless of color. Thanks for being...
  10. J

    QT Halo users: Black or Yellow?

    The major thing that I've considered is that standard ANR sets use actual noise to cancel out what you're hearing outside, where as these in-ear sets literally block out the sound itself from entering your the end of the day that's healthier and they weighs so much less!
  11. J

    QT Halo users: Black or Yellow?

    I'm going to be buying a pair of these for myself and was hoping for some input. I've seen some people regret the purchase of the black but I wanted to get a group opinion on the color or if they regretted either of the colors. Excited to try them!!
  12. J

    Looking for Help

    Nobody else is seeing scam the way I do?
  13. J

    checkride today

    I was watching one of those DPE seminars on the PPL checkride, and he discussed a situation like this. The answer that he wanted to hear was that the applicant would consult a mechanic and not assume that they could figure out whether system X or Y would be legal to fly. Again, the critical...
  14. J

    VATSIM, PilotEdge or Other

    I can't recommend PilotEdge enough for any type of radio/IFR review. The controllers are held to the same standard of the FAA 7110.65 (the official regulation book of phraseology for ATC) and many of the controllers are pilots and CFI's. I think the main thing to consider is that with...
  15. J

    checkride today

    The more I think about it, this DPE sounds like he felt you didn't understand your aircraft enough to properly implement 91.213 in case of equipment failure. Just study up on all of your aircraft components and the FAR's pertaining to MEL, equipment lists in the POH, and your standard ATOMATO...
  16. J

    checkride today

    With you on that.
  17. J

    checkride today

    For my checkride, my CFI made sure that I knew every physical component on the C172 and how it works. Things like antennas (since they're not in the POH), weights on ailerons/elevators, what the shimmy damper does, what's the size and maker of the propeller, all give a DPE confidence that you...
  18. J

    checkride today

    I think the most important thing that I was warned about with my particular DPE is that he expected safety to be the number one priority. I feel rather fortunate...I went in and passed my exam but the guy after me failed his oral twice in a row. I think more than little bits of memorized...
  19. J

    checkride today

    I'm sorry to hear you had to go through this. Although it's not fun, remember that the DPE is making sure that you will in no way harm the friends and family you take up with you. This might seem like a minor thing, but knowing your aircraft inside out is really important and directly affects...
  20. J

    which Ipad to get?

    I'm thinking of switching from the iPad Air 2 to the iPad Mini 2. I think if you like just having something on your lap, the Air is great, but for yoke mounting, you need the mini to have proper visual of the instruments. Also, be careful with price: the mini 2 vs mini 3 is an idiotic ploy by...