Kidney Stones?

Kevin Eggert

Pre-takeoff checklist
Feb 6, 2020
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I've been utilizing basic med for the past several years, but will be wanting to fly to Canada, so need to go back to get a 3rd class again. I had some kidney stones about 5 years ago that were removed and I've had no reoccurance or issue since. Aside from reporting this along with the regular questions, is there anything additional that I shoud expect to be asked or reports from the doctor that might be needed? I don't suspect that it should be a problem, but just wanted to get some info from someone who may have had a similar experience.
My KS experience was a very long time ago. My recollection then was I needed a KUB x-ray showing I was stone free (I was). I think a retained stone required a urologist report saying there was no, or very little, chance it would dislodge. Sorry, I can’t remember any more details than that.
My KS experience was a very long time ago. My recollection then was I needed a KUB x-ray showing I was stone free (I was). I think a retained stone required a urologist report saying there was no, or very little, chance it would dislodge.
It was 15 or so years ago for me, but as @Matthew stated was pretty much how it went. I had a tiny stone in an area where it was unlikely to move, so I had a SI for 6 months, then back to a regular 1st class.
straight from the AME handbook.

AASI for Renal Calculi
AME Assisted Special Issuance (AASI) is a process that provides AMEs the ability to
re-issue an airman medical certificate under the provisions of an Authorization for
Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate (Authorization) to an applicant who has a
medical condition that is disqualifying under Title 14 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (14 CFR) part 67.
An FAA physician provides the initial certification decision and grants the Authorization
in accordance with 14 CFR § 67.401. The Authorization letter is accompanied by
attachments that specify the information that treating physician(s) must provide for the
re-issuance determination. If this is a first-time application for an AASI for the above
disease/condition, and the applicant has all the requisite medical information necessary
for a determination, the AME must defer and submit all of the documentation to the
AMCD or RFS for the initial determination.
AMEs may re-issue an airman medical certificate under the provisions of an
Authorization, if the applicant provides the following:
• An Authorization granted by the FAA;
• A statement from your treating physician regarding the location of the retained
stone(s), estimation as to size of stone, and likelihood of becoming
symptomatic; and
• A current report of appropriate imaging study (IVP, KUB, Ultrasound, or Spiral
CT Scan) and provide a metabolic work-up, both performed within the last 90
The AME must defer to the AMCD or Region if:
• If the treating physician comments that the current stone has a likelihood of
becoming symptomatic;
• If the retained stone(s) has moved when compared to previous evaluations; or
• If the stone(s) has become larger when compared to previous evaluations.
I think what this all means is: you’ll need some paperwork and reports, and you should consult with your AME.
Same for me. Had one removed, one remained but was reported as 'stable' by urologist.
Took that paperwork to the AME and it went through without a hitch.
Looking at the decision matrix that TCABM posted, it looks like I should be fine since it was more than 5 years ago, I have a report from after that says no stones remained, and I haven't had any issues since. It would appear that the problems only arise from more recent issues, or when stones are still retained. Neither of these apply to me.
My KS experience was a very long time ago. My recollection then was I needed a KUB x-ray showing I was stone free (I was). I think a retained stone required a urologist report saying there was no, or very little, chance it would dislodge. Sorry, I can’t remember any more details than that.
Similar experience years ago, before Basic Med. I have a vague recollection that 2 mm is the maximum size for any retained stone.