The dislike button

The thing is, it's black and I can't see it in dark mode. So all haters should continue to use the roll-eyes reaction instead if you want me to see your disdain for my posts

I also use dark mode, and never noticed it before.

Most platforms tried the "disliked" playbook years, sometimes decades, ago and learned that it was a failure in terms of creating the communities they wanted.
Even this forum. We had the "reputation system" for a while... And it was a complete and utter disaster. But I still have my 113 points.
ArrowFlyer86 said:
Reddit is one that kept it in the form of downvotes.
That's fair. As did YT.
I thought that was just the "posted a flight sim video as if it was the real thing" button. :D
Hey, I might be the ranking active member until Dr. B comes back. :)
Dang... You've got me by a few spots. Probably joined the same day!

Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to go down the user list in terms of seniority by incrementing a number in the URL any more. Same with threads. Gonna be hard on the PoA historians someday. ;) It doesn't even look like you can see who's been active in the last 24 hours.
Reactions to posts since reactions became a thing. Some of us were posting prolifically long before Facebook came along and invented the Like button!
Oh, the old "blame it on a thing not existing at the time" excuse :lol:
As you can see, grayed out.
Hover over the "Like" in the lower right corner of someone else's post. You should see reaction options pop up. The image you posted is a little out of whack on my display but the "like" at the bottom of eman's post does not appear to be greyed out. You cannot react to your own posts, so you won't see 'Like" there..


ETA: Never mind, I see you're asking about emojis, not reactions.

As you can see, grayed out.
Try toggling the BBCode mode. Somewhere under one of the stacked dots (probably the ones to the far right) you should see a "[ ]" icon. select that and see if stuff becomes active.

BBcode brackets.jpg

Hover over the "Like" in the lower right corner of someone else's post. You should see reaction options pop up. The image you posted is a little out of whack on my display but the "like" at the bottom of eman's post does not appear to be greyed out. You cannot react to your own posts, so you won't see 'Like" there..

View attachment 137199

ETA: Never mind, I see you're asking about emojis, not reactions.


Actually, that will bring up some emojis as well. Thanks