Medical was deferred due to felony today

I don’t know. I do know that I have made it through 60 years of life without committing a felony. It isn’t difficult to do. Very few people break laws not knowing that they are doing so and without knowing there are consequences.

Might be interesting to look at the book “Three Felonies A Day”. Basic thesis is that there are actually so many vague laws on the Federal books now that most people who work professionally arguably commit 3 felonies each day.

Most are never prosecuted because the prosecutors have no interest. And these aren’t serious violent felonies of course.

Edit: reading further in the thread, I see this had been mentioned before.
To give everyone an update. Was told that had to get a psych eval. Well, just got that done and was told by Dr. Fugate, by the way if you are in the Seattle or Tacoma area and needing a doctor like this he is the greatest. Navy psychiatrist for 13 years and knows aviation rather ok, as he has dealt with pilots before. Cost is very reasonable. But, as I was saying was told that he does not see any reason to keep me from flying. Yes I have a past, but what I do today is work very hard to show this community and at large that I apologize for my decisions. So let me say this to this lovely community of aviation. I apologize to you all for taking advantage and not following the letter of our community. Please know that I have grown and really humbly ask this community to please forgive me for my past decisions. I give you my word that I will not ever go back to that life. But still hoping the F.A.A see it as Dr. Fugate has. Thank you .
Wow! & Good Luck!!!

I have a follow up question regarding the medical/felony. Lets say someone with a felony is granted the medical. Do the major airlines hire pilots with felonies in their past? In other words, if getting the medical is for a long term goal of flying for the airlines, is there still another private business (non-FAA) hurdle?
Wow! & Good Luck!!!

I have a follow up question regarding the medical/felony. Lets say someone with a felony is granted the medical. Do the major airlines hire pilots with felonies in their past? In other words, if getting the medical is for a long term goal of flying for the airlines, is there still another private business (non-FAA) hurdle?

Well from my research I’ve done is that once the ten years are up you can apply for unescorted security badge which is really what the airlines look for. I don’t know for sure but I do believe that as long as your honest and ready to face this head in you can have a shot after the ten years or by reasons to show that you can be trusted.
Well from my research I’ve done is that once the ten years are up you can apply for unescorted security badge which is really what the airlines look for. I don’t know for sure but I do believe that as long as your honest and ready to face this head in you can have a shot after the ten years or by reasons to show that you can be trusted.
Oh yes, thank you
Wow! & Good Luck!!!

I have a follow up question regarding the medical/felony. Lets say someone with a felony is granted the medical. Do the major airlines hire pilots with felonies in their past? In other words, if getting the medical is for a long term goal of flying for the airlines, is there still another private business (non-FAA) hurdle?
It depends. There can be non-medical issues.

From an employer viewpoint (not just aviation), you can be more selective when there are a lot of candidates for few positions and less so ice versa. Two equally-qualified candidates, one with a criminal record; one clean. Which would you hire?

There may be some other issues too. DUI and Canada has been discussed a number of times. Then of course, there's the requirement for an ATP to "Be of good moral character."
From what we are reading it sounds like @Tyrease Phillips is doing everything he can to: "Be of good moral character."

You bet everything in the world I am. Like I said before, I apologizes for creating more strife in the world rather than creating a better today for tomorrow, well at least doing my part. That has changed and I can show that it is possible to be of good moral character after a rough road. I choose to live a life of help for my neighbor and I just pray that I will be given a chance to prove that. Thank you for the up lift it is so appreciated. You don’t even know what I have sacrificed to prove that I will be of good moral character, but well worth it.
They are oftentimes tasked with bragging about the job their agency is doing but they also get forwarded the bad stuff and pass it along to whomever must see it.
I truly believe that what is said of the F.A.A is sometimes overstated. I have not ever been tasked to deal with this organization shut since I have it’s been a lot of help. Yes I must jump through a lot of hoops because of my past, but all fairness I understand why. Having someone up in the air behind the yoke is a lot of responsibility and to my understanding it’s not that easy when stress is applied. I greatly appreciate all the support from the aviation community that I have received. Even if I must be aired out to dry to see if I have any cracks well worth it. I’ve let this country and my community down enough. Time to grow up man up and accept hard work for what it is. GROWTH! Again thank you to all I will not let those down again.
I know that must have answered the question about what it takes to get a medical cert when it comes to felonies well today I went in with no real experience and was deferred from a felony from years ago the thing is how does this process work after the deferment if anyone has went through this part of it I really would love some help want to go into pilot school this summer thank you
how did it turn out for you?