Special issuance going to Medical early

dash riprock

Filing Flight Plan
Dec 12, 2022
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I have a special issuance with a yearly expiration. Not valid for any class after bla bla date. So its expires this December and I wanted for personal reasons to go for medical in November one month early. AME said no can do must take Medical in December.
I have look thru all regs and can find no reference stating that I can only go in the expiration month.. Anyone have experience with this situation?
You sure can take it in November.

The real question however, is, "is this an AASI" (see letters at the top of the letter). If not, the have you gottent the federal reapproval auth letter yet?, or is your SI an "RS24" type in wich it sez the AME can reisuse you through Dec 2025 and send in the documents (on page 2). If you don't, then the AME can't issue yet.

If you manage this, you just get renewed Nov to Nov and lose a month.
Dr. Chien ,
Thanks for replying. My first letter is "Authorization for special issuance of an airman medical certificate"
. This certificate is valid until Dec31 2024
. This authorization
shall be effective until it expires Dec 31 2030
I see nothing referring to AASI or RS24

Second letter "instructions for authorization" Which I complied with and at end says AME can issue "not valid for any class after Dec 31, 2025.

As you said I thought I would just lose a month by going early for example "not valid after Nov 30 2025 instead of Dec. AME said he cant change the date for early medical in November. The reason I wanted to go early is I have a Vacation planned all December out of the country and don't want the Medical to expire.
So I decided confronted with his statement "that he can't issue early" and since I was in the office with required paperwork to have him issue a new Certificate with a November date but still says not valid after Dec 31 2024 so basically a one month medical. I'm waiting to hear back from FAA hopefully they will change the not valid after date.
So if it's not a HIMS situation, take your documentation and your letter to ANY AME in November and get reissued to . Sound's like your AME is "not at the head of the pack".
