Upgrade Help- VFR to IFR

In short, he's skeptical. His thought was keep it as a backup for now, and if we truly go forward with new avionics in the future we can swap it out during that install
I think that sounds smart. Hence, IMHO if you're paying the freight to have the panel opened up, take out that 300XL now and keep your current com radio as your Com 2.
Spoke with my avionics guy. He convinced me to go this route for now- install the 355, we can decide at the time to keep either the 300XL or the TKM Comm as a second radio, and then he had me order a used Garmin 106A CDI to coordinate with the 355. Once I get my IFR cert and get used to flying IFR, then he suggested we talk about the big panel (and cost) upgrades.

I'm a little bummed because I wanted shiny new toys but recognize he's approaching this the right way
Sounds like a reasonable plan. Now for the IFR training fun!
If you pull the TKM, can't you also pull the standalone Nav RX? Seems like you get a more panel space back keeping the 300XL
so last i checked, garmin still supports the 300xl. think you made a good choice