Cross City, FL - 2 Fatalities

Half Fast

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 7, 2016
Central Florida
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Half Fast
Lancair 360. Pilot was a friend's brother.

That's a good question. The pilot told ATC he intended to continue down the coast to Venice, but then he descended into Cross City. Did he suddenly realize he was low on fuel? Did he develop an engine problem?
Flight aware shows 1h 55 min first flight and 1h 20 min second flight that day. Most of these planes don't carry many hours of fuel. Mine carries about 42 gallons total. If I completed both those flights I would be on E.
Well, it'll be simple for the NTSB to see if there's fuel in the tanks and whether he bought fuel at Atmore. Apparently there was no fire, so fuel exhaustion is certainly a possibility.