Upcoming Class 2-Issues


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 1, 2022
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Currently flying part 135. Class 2 medical is will be renewed in January. I’m on a SI for sleep apnea (the past several years have had no issues and was using a dental device). I have now gotten to where the dental device is not giving me the results. I am not able to wear a traditional CPAP and don’t know if the Inspire (medical implant is FAA approved-or if it would/could help me).

I obviously don’t want to risk my medical and could just tell them everything is still fine, but it not and my overall health is what I’m more concerned about.

Is there any way if I go to my sleep doctor and discuss the issues I’m having (then he sends the forms to the FAA AME) that I don’t lose my medical? I don’t see any way…so the real question is what are my realistic best step to take? Thanks.
You may consider NightLase if the dental guard was working before but not now.

There are some modern CPAP masks that may work where a traditional doesn’t.
TCABM said:
There are some modern CPAP masks that may work where a traditional doesn’t.
Fitting an appropriate mask is a lost art. Why? There's no CPT code for it!!
Tried a nasal pillow mask, for instance?

Inspire is okay but you'll neve get through the implant system in time.AndI have two guys, 1 for whom it did not work (too much "buzzing" when on, for him to sleep), and the other got infected and had to be extracted.

Then there is the long term view- if you can get it insured, Zepbound or wegovy (If you are big).

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Dr. B.,

Thanks for the guidance. I have tried the nasal pillow and that was not a solution (I have constant swollen nasal passages and breathe from mouth at night). Also, I’m 6’0” 175lbs. so not at an excessive weight.

I’m going to reach out to my AME and sleep doc, but as much as I love and need my job I also don’t want to pose a hazard/danger to any of my crew members or passengers. I also don’t want to have any medical issues that could have been prevented if I took care of the OSA.

With my physical expiring in January 2025 do you honestly see any way that I’m able to get a new treatment, and adequate usage of the treatment to not have a lapse in my FAA Class II?

Also, if I’m working with my sleep doc (prior to my January AME appointment) am I legally/ethically responsible for letting my AME know…prior to January? Thanks again.
Given your situation, no way. NOT in time.
The healthcare system just does not move that fast. And the FAA is glacial in comparison to that.

If you already have an SI see the language in the last paragraph: "You must report any adverse change...." (and that would be to your AME).
With the medtronic implant, first there is sechduleing the trial implant- wires hanging out.
Then eveyrthing gets removed and after one sterlization time (?3 weeks), the whole shepbang gets put in (if it works on the trial eval).
Then you need 30 days on the system.
Then you need a new sleep study with the thing activated.
THen all that gets wsent into the agency for their Mandatory farting around time- for which a good AME can short circut a lot of, if you are a "revenue aviator".

I hope you've got good short term diability insurance....because can anyone get all that done in 99 days?
You're in kind of a sucky position and you should have stared as soon as you knew CPAP was not going to be a fix for you....

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