Hey old people, tell us what you can't do!


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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The thread called "Hey young people, tell us what you can do!" (https://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/threads/hey-young-people-tell-us-what-you-can-do.121778/) got me to thinking.
There are not a lot of threads on POA about how old people can't do anything anymore. They can't kneel down for long periods or, stand up without groaning or do almost anything that they used to.
I haven't participated in many of these if they do exist here.

But I know it is not universally true. And I know that old people are losing skills and I probably am too. So tell us what you can't do. It can be an activity or your remembering anything.
And for reference I consider anyone over 40 or older OLD.

As an example, I have an old pilot friend (68) that used to be able to hear just fine. Even though his parents had good hearing, he didn't.
He started wearing hearing aids and he continues to do this so he can hear his physical therapist. (yeah, I made that up).
Ugh. My vision is getting worse by the day. Starting to leave glasses everywhere. Will probably be wearing them full time in a year or so.
I can’t stand or sit without my right knee aching.
The thread called "Hey young people, tell us what you can do!" (https://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/threads/hey-young-people-tell-us-what-you-can-do.121778/) got me to thinking.
There are not a lot of threads on POA about how old people can't do anything anymore. They can't kneel down for long periods or, stand up without groaning or do almost anything that they used to.
I haven't participated in many of these if they do exist here.

But I know it is not universally true. And I know that old people are losing skills and I probably am too. So tell us what you can't do. It can be an activity or your remembering anything.
And for reference I consider anyone over 40 or older OLD.

As an example, I have an old pilot friend (68) that used to be able to hear just fine. Even though his parents had good hearing, he didn't.
He started wearing hearing aids and he continues to do this so he can hear his physical therapist. (yeah, I made that up).
I try to forget I'm 69.. bye now
I can pass gas like the Hindenburg disaster...

But seriously I cannot run more than a few steps, yet I walk 3 miles a day M-F.

I can make noise when getting up from the couch.

I get up 3 times a night just to pee.

I qualified for Medicare this year.
Endless injuries/niggles in the face of modest workout routines. Like swimming and biking cause problems. Its ********!
One thing I CAN do is drive without glasses. When I was younger, I could barely walk safely with out glasses. (Cataract surgery)
Another thing I have gotten real good at is sweating. Walk the dog for a couple miles and I come back soaking wet. Even when I'm freezing cold.
On the other hand...
Fist bump. Can't. Snap my fingers. Can't. (right hand) ****ing Arthritis.
Balance is nothing like it used to be.
I'm done with roller coasters.
Even a minor bump or scrape working on the car or airplane results in blood dripping on the ground.
Well, there are things I can't do anymore, and there are things I shouldn't do anymore.

Ever since tearing up my knees in a motorcycle crash, I can't kneel for very long anymore.

I can no longer hear high frequencies.

I can't sleep all night without getting up to pee.

I can't comb my hair anymore (since it's mostly gone).

On the shouldn't side of things, I shouldn't do decompression diving anymore; much higher risk of DCS as age goes up, and the deco models were developed with much younger test subjects.
Just here to see what I get to look forward to.

Oh, there's lots to look forward to. Like not giving a flip what other people think. Or senior discounts. Or a cop who pulls you over for speeding on your sportbike, but starts laughing and tells you to just go on when you take off your helmet. Or waitresses who flirt with you because they (mistakenly) think you're safe.
I’m only 57, but my arms aren’t long enough for reading anymore.

I don’t have the tolerance, or enjoyment, for alcohol like I used to. Beer in particular just doesn’t sit really well anymore, but my appreciation for wine is way up.

I really cleaned up my language. My swearing is down to maybe 5% of what it was just a few years ago, and I’m much more patient.

Can’t eat two super burritos and follow it with a three-scoop sundae anymore. Even with daily exercise I’d be as fat as the town dog.

But I still hit the weight room like a rabid cur, can push through pain (mainly arthritis) better than I did 30 years ago (it’s now an angry personal challenge and motivator), love to ride precisely and fast, work at learning new things and can think, move and shoot almost as good as when I was still working and instructing.
I can’t ski all day anymore. Luckily, we are five minutes from the ski lift, so we arrive in time to stand in line for lift opening, ski a bit, stop at the upper lodge around 10:30 for a beer and some fries, do a few more runs, and call it a day just after noon. Then do some projects the rest of the day. This can happen three days a week, and justifies a season pass.
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I've found that my tolerance for hot weather is much less than it used to be. Once upon a time, I could work outdoors all day during the summer, or fish, hike, whatever. Now I'm whipped after just a few hours.
for reference I consider anyone over 40 or older OLD.
50 is around the corner, but I feel younger than I did 10 years ago...

Maybe it's parent brain, but the ability to remember more than one thing seems to be gone.

Problem: I need milk and eggs from the garage fridge.
(goes to garage)
Oh, while I'm here, I should take out the trash and recycling. And look at all these leaves! I should leafblow them out. Oh, the battery's discharged, let me plug that in.
(time passes)
Say, all this work makes a fella thirsty.
(goes back to house)
Oh right, the milk. Hey, that battery is charged...
Oh, there's lots to look forward to. Like not giving a flip what other people think. Or senior discounts. Or a cop who pulls you over for speeding on your sportbike, but starts laughing and tells you to just go on when you take off your helmet. Or waitresses who flirt with you because they (mistakenly) think you're safe.
That first ship sailed long ago. Which is probably why it's just me and the dog.
I had like 5 beers the first night of rough river. I was a zombie the next day. used to drink a 6-pack before heading out for a night of drinking.

oh wait, you said over 40, nevermind, carry on.
My definition of old was always can you expect to double your age? For most, that’s around 45, so I’ll call 46 and up old. From there it’s just degrees.

I can’t sleep all night without getting up 2-3 times to whizz.

Speaking of whizz, sometimes as I begin I realize I really need to be taking a seat. That sucks.

And that old joke, can’t trust a fart? Yeah, becoming more and more true.
I have more trouble getting into and out of my Miata than I do my Ercoupe!
Also, I can’t seem to get rid of this ringing in my ears.
Tell you what I can't do.

Hmmm, I can't remember
I'm 86 and I can't fly anymore. :mad: When I hit 85 my insurance was due and my medical was up. I would have to lie to the Dr. and my insurance would be sky high.
I have one more airplane to sell then my wife can have the hangar for all her stuff. :eek:
I'm 86 and I can't fly anymore. :mad: When I hit 85 my insurance was due and my medical was up. I would have to lie to the Dr. and my insurance would be sky high.
I have one more airplane to sell then my wife can have the hangar for all her stuff. :eek:

Switch to Basic Med and look into the new liability-only coverage. If you can't get Basic Med, sell your plane and buy an LSA.
Last weekend this guy showed up for lunch....my friend's dad. 92 years old and sporting a C-170....one letter different than my ride. He flys great....but does have tendencies to "argue" with ATC. lol ;)


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I can't grow hair on top of my head as I used'ta could.
But, man, can I grow it in my ears and nose! :D

(And at only 46, I'm afraid of where things are in another 30+ years, lord willing.)
Can't ski a full day as noted above. I open the lift at 9, and by 1 I'm silly putty. (being old means you know what 'silly putty' is)

I went to fly a Citabria the other day, and I did the take off from the back. It was marginal. I realized my fine motor skills needed for safe TW landing are probably not good enough anymore. I'd get by, but it wouldn't be great like when I was 30. So, I bought a nose-dragger.

Too much heat and I get ocular migrane after a few hours. If I dropped some weight it would help all these maladies.