CFI initial DPE in AZ or IA or Anywhere else


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 2, 2024
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Hey, I’m in Mesa AZ I’m pilot training working on my CFI! Looking for a “FAIR” dpe for my CFI initial in either AZ, IA, or honestly anywhere else that can get me a checkride date!

Thank you for your help
Tim Newton in Iowa
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Good luck. Wait times are rough right now.
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Thank you, would you be willing to give me the run down on him?

You asked for names of "fair" DPEs. I thought he was fair. It's been a number of years, but I recall a very pleasant demeanor and I was at ease almost immediately upon meeting him. I remember thinking after the oral, no stone was left unturned but on the other hand, no surprises either. The flight portion was pretty uneventful except that the winds were very strong that day. Everything was very straight forward, no trickiness, no surprises. It was very evident to me he was following his plan of action as he is required to do.

I did not make my own lesson plans from scratch, rather I modified Backseat Pilot plans to suit my needs. I don't recall him even looking at my lesson plans nor did I refer to them. I didn't tab the FAR/AIM, I knew how it was organized and where to find what I needed. I had a handful of ACs printed out in a notebook in case those were needed. I was given time to put together a lesson to teach him which I believe was crosswind landings. My method is to have the student become an active participant, conversational style, during the lesson rather than delivering a dry lecture. He played along during the lesson and I received positive comments for that in the debrief. I'm no stranger to teaching people how to do things outside of aviation, so "teaching" people how to do new things comes pretty naturally for me.

Time flew by surprisingly fast even though the oral portion (without the administrative tasks) lasted around five or six hours. Flight time was .9 hours in an Arrow, before TAA were allowed.

The applicant the day before me failed the oral on the FOI portion. Having visited with him a few days before, he deserved to fail, IMO. He seemed like a kid who didn't know how to study.

I've had five FAA check rides and I don't ever recall any of them being unfair despite "horror" stories about one of DPEs. The FAA does provide a cheat sheet in advance, so you know what's coming. I am a couple of decades older than most applicants and feel that FAA practical tests, even the dreaded CFI check ride, are much easier than examination boards I went through during my time in the Navy. I do believe having had the experiences of much more rigorous exams in college and the Navy helped me prepare.

His fee was very competitive.
I haven’t personally flown with Tim Newton, but a buddy of mine (now a DL captain) sent all his students there when he was still actively teaching. Nothing but good things to say