Looking for other PA-28 pilots to follow on social media

I really enjoy your YouTube videos. It gives a nice picture of what being a private pilot flying a very basic GA airplane can do. Thanks!
Thanks for the kind words, it's nice to hear someone is enjoying my content!
Hello, I go by the call-sign, Alpha Kilo Warrior. I'm looking for other Piper pilots that are on social media to follow and share the love of this airplane with. Plese post below in comments or send me a direct message to follow you. I will go 1st.

Instagram: Alpha.Kilo.Warrior
Facebook: alpha.kilo.warrior
X: AlphaKiloWar
YouTube: @AlphaKilo.Warrior

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Ignore the (very few) rude replies. Anonymity enables rudeness with some people. All online forums have this in common. Your vids look fine
Some Camera footage from Beta Testing having a GoPro on my head in the Pattern at KHFD last month.

I enjoyed the "head cam" view. Many videos don't really reproduce the pilot's point of view, and I enjoyed your attempt to capture that.
But following someone? I don't understand it.
It costs nothing so many people hit follow so if they want to search for something a month or a year later, it’s easier to find.

In other words, if you look for something and one of the results is from someone you have previously vetted, then you have saved a bunch of time.

From listening to someone with a sports podcast, he didn’t get any revenue /advertising interest until he had 1,000 YouTube followers.

I haven’t seen any of this person’s videos, just like I never saw this thread until today. Since he’s responding to posts here, 6 months later, he’s probably making an earnest effort.

My suggestions to him: read through the crashnburn journey to solo thread, which is iirc at least two years in the making.

read the students how are we doing thread. I bet this guy will get useful information from those more than posts from the crusty types who have been flying for decades.
I enjoyed the "head cam" view. Many videos don't really reproduce the pilot's point of view, and I enjoyed your attempt to capture that.
Thanks, glad to hear you enjoyed it, here is part #2 of that 1st video. I called myself out in the video for having a Lax and lazy extended downwind. I failed to use proper wind correction technique and drifted into the base. Tried to make up for it in the landing, think I had one stripe too much (was trying for 2 stripes).
This is my tracklog where I messed up (the red should be my ground track):
The weather was borderline VFR all morning and I pushed my flight from the morning to 4 hours later in the day. I wanted to get up in the air and just opted for some pattern work, I wasn't going to even film. The winds were shifting all around during my preflight, but the windsock was flopped down and the weather reports were all over the place. I had my mind set on practicing short field landings. I was not expecting to balloon and decided the best thing to do was perform a go around.

When was your last balloon? What did you do? After watching the video would you have tried to salvage the landing?
Thanks for checking.
In video, 'balloon' over runway did not appear evident (or significant).
For runway with 4,006' landing distance available, go-around (for a Warrior) didn't appear necessary.

However if any doubts about safety, whether to continue or reject landing is entirely your decision (and PIC responsibility).
If you were concerned about excessive float/remaining runway, go around. (nicely executed)

TIPS to consider
Agreed; practicing short-field landings (mentioned in video) is a good way to avoid go-around for: benign wind conditions, with ample runway length.

For winds 050 @ 4, landing rwy 02 …
Instead of 2 notches, try landing with full flaps.

Ref: 1976 PA-28-151, POH
-page 4-5:
Final approach speed (flaps 40°) … 63 KIAS

-page 4-14:

Off topic:
Seems like a consistently helpful/professional crew at Brainard Tower.

... in contrast to nearby class D :rolleyes1:
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Woof, I just watched that video Mike ... he must have had some other thing going on for him to blow up like that. I met one of the Tower ATC at KHFD and he let he in the tower. We spoke for about 20 minutes and I really appreciated him taking the time to let me up for a visit. I brought him donuts 2 weeks later. Love all (4) four of the Controllers at KHFD.

CLASS C Sight-seeing over the CT River

I think I just had one of the top 3 flights of 2024 so far. I departed KHFD with a squawk code to allow me to perform air work in Class C Airspace over Bradley International Airport. My 1st leg took me over the CT River to the Massachusetts border. I sped the footage up 200% and added the ATC audio and solo-cockpit audio of my experience.

It's time to Acknowledge Southwick, MA seeing its surrounded on 3 sides by Connecticut Residents.

Southwick MA Jog.PNG